Chapter 38: Broken Hearted

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"What... are you doing here?"


Third Person POV

(E/c) met hazel— and boy— was one more pissed than the other.

Fury. It was fury that fueled each of the (h/c)-nette's steps. As soon as the two made eye contact with each other from across the room, (y/n) did not hesitate to stomp towards her target. She was ready to cause a scene and risk her fashion career in a mere few minutes.

"You fu—!"

"(L/n)-san!" A female voice interrupted in feigned surprise accompanied with a nervous chuckle, "What a surprise to see you here..."

"Mina," an older woman uttered authoritatively next to the younger brunette. They shared similar features so one can assume they're related, "Who's this?"

"A-Ah, this is a friend of mine from the home ec club," Mina, the younger sister of Ogawa Niki, spoke hesitantly. As soon as (y/n) looked like she was about to tell her off— or even punch her, for all she knows— she already wrapped her arm around the (h/c)-nette's, "Wah, we have so much to catch up on, (l/n)-san! I'll go talk with her over there, okaa-san."

"Let go—!" The enraged female exclaimed until Mina leaned closer to her ear.

"Quiet," she commanded and discreetly glanced to her mother, "They'll kick you out in a heartbeat."

However, the other wasn't planning on listening. (Y/n)'s mouth sputtered insults and shouts that Mina quickly pulled her out of there. Her mother and other well-known designers looked at the two in confusion, but the younger Ogawa sent a reassuring smile their way as she dragged the (y/h) girl to a less populated area.

"Let go of me already!" (Y/n) shouted and the brunette obliged as soon as they were out of eyesight, "Why the fuck are you here, Ogawa Mina?!"

Abruptly, said female bowed apologetically but it appeared more forced, if anything, "I'm sorry, okay? I'll explain everything to you, but you need to get out of here."

"Huh?! No the hell I'm not!" the (h/c)-haired girl exclaimed and Mina had to cover her mouth. (Y/n) slapped her hand away and narrowed her eyes threateningly, "Enlighten me right now with why you plotted to kill Rindo then had the audacity to disappear without a trace?"

"Kill...?" She knitted her brows in confusion before shaking her head and desperately pleading with her hazel eyes for her to leave the place quietly, "Look, if you're here because of the teen fashion competition, you need to go. This is my way to make amends for the past so—"

"Ogawa Mina, explain before I punch you in the nose and cause a scene myself," the (h/c)-haired girl spoke with so much serious intent that the other exhaled loudly in frustration, "I don't care what happens in the competition, I want to know why you almost killed my boyfriend."

"You guys are dating now? That was unexpected," Mina commented to herself but snapped out of it after noticing (y/n)'s glare, "Fine, I'll talk just... don't cause a commotion."

"That depends on how well I'll take your answer," the (h/c)-nette spoke to which the other sighed in response, but figured that was the best she could get.

"I don't know how much you know or heard from that time..." she started, her voice increasing in agitation than it was apologetic, "But my father was a Yakuza boss and my older brother worked under him. My parents separated a long time ago so I'm not really under that line of work and I'm not associated with my father or brother often... but I still see Niki at school and we're 'siblings' so I just listen to whatever he tells me to. He said he wanted vengeance since Haitani Rindo destroyed his faction and... I didn't know he was going to kill him."

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