Chapter 11: Ceilings

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"Well... as long as Rindo's happy."


Third Person POV

It was incredibly awkward— even more so than when he brought her over to his apartment. She could practically feel the annoyance radiating off him as curses left his mouth the moment he walked out the door. Knowing him, he probably thought his job was done and wanted to rest the night.

No longer being able to handle the tension, (y/n) walked beside him instead of behind. Rindo simply glanced at her before coming to the realization that she wanted to spark a conversation. He sighed, however, didn't want to start talking first.

"So why did you agree back there?" She asked, "I know it's obvious, but it's clear that you don't want to be here."

"I don't say 'no' to Shion," he merely replied before looking up at the night sky, "I probably would've agreed to any of them with a bit of arguing, but I have respect for Shion the same way I do for Ran. I usually follow what they say without even thinking about it."

"But I don't think they'd mind if you voiced your opinion every once in awhile," the (e/c)-eyed girl followed his lead and counted the stars above her, "It looks like you guys have a close relationship."

"We do. We talk a lot about how we could rule the world with just the six of us," Rindo said with a small smile and (y/n) pretended not to notice. It seemed as though that he's spilling more information than he probably intended so she wanted to respect that, "He comes to me to talk about his problems and I listen. I guess it's because he trusts me so much that I only really listen to him."

"Hm... that sounds nice..." she hummed in agreement. She wished she had that platonic relationship with someone but couldn't get so far as acquaintances.

"Not gonna lie, I also brought you to meet my friends after seeing your contact list on your phone," the tall male snickered and the girl felt a piercing stab through her heart— it looked very comedic, if anything, "I thought I imagined seeing only three contacts. You're the one without any friends, aren't you?"

At that point, (y/n) halted and could very well have fallen to her knees at how pathetic it sounded. Rindo turned to look at her while hiding the emerging chuckle at her defeated state. Her eyes became playfully downturned and she may as well have started bawling.

"Well, I'm sorry that somebody ruined any potential friendships at a new school," the (h/c)-haired female whined as the blonde had to avert his gaze so he wouldn't end up laughing in her face, "Not everyone wanted to be friends with someone on a hit list. You ruined that for me, Haitani, and that's another thing that I would forever hate about you."

"You're taking this much better than I thought you would have, to be honest," he grinned despite her words.

"Huahh, I couldn't even be mad. Part of it is my fault for not putting in the effort to actually make and maintain friendships," she sighed and started to walk again, "Since I'm a first year in high school now, I thought I should at least try to be sociable unlike middle school."

"But everyone is new in their first year?" Rindo stated but more in a questioning manner. He begun to walk with her and tilted his head in confusion.

"Yeah, but you usually move up to high school in the same area," (y/n) said and let out an inaudible exhale, "You grow up with your classmates for the past ten or so years... How am I supposed to just add myself into that already formed relationship?"

"Aren't you in a club though?" He asked.

"I am but it still only goes as far as being acquaintances," (y/n) half-heartedly lifted one side of her lips, "Again, 'hit list'?"

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