Chapter 33: My Boy

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"Now we're even."


Third Person POV

"I hate you."

"You look great—!"

"Don't talk to me right now."


"Don't 'Rindo' me," a lock of blonde-and-blue hair peaked above the mass of whip cream, feathers, and glitter. His glasses were there... somewhere, "Why the fuck were you so good at sword fighting?! I thought you had the athleticism of a couch potato."

"Rude," (y/n) chuckled as she took one of the towels the fencing club's event had to offer and helped clean his face so he could see, "Oh, there you are~ I could see you now."

"You, shush. I don't want to hear it," the younger Haitani grumbled, snatched the towel off her hands and wiped the gunk himself. Luckily, the event offered covers for clothes and a hose to wash off but it was still a nuisance, nonetheless.

The whole day consisted of various bets and challenges the competitive duo could think of— ranging anywhere from cup stacking, to ring throwing, to hoops, to sprinting, to just about anything. As of the moment, they are currently tied after (y/n) suggested the fencing club's jousting tournament. Standing on a precarious plank... as you hit each other with pool noodles... over a kiddie pool filled with whip cream... Now that he thought about it, it was probably a way for his girlfriend to release pent up anger for everything he did when they first met.

The loser also had to be pelted by feather-filled, glittery pillow cases, but the club members were too scared to hit the Haitani Rindo and piss him off even further. (Y/n) had to reassure them— more like insist, if you ask me— that it was more than fine to hit him and gave them the 'ok'... Rindo came out of the event looking like a ran over, sparkling chicken.

"You're enjoying this too much," he glared as best as he could while futilely attempting to clean his glasses. Fortunately for him, somebody came over with a bucket and a hose at some point and left just as quickly.

"Consider this revenge for hurting my feelings during the baseball game," she responded, grabbed the hose, and sprayed down his hair. He allowed her to ruffle her hand through as he tilted his head downwards.

"It's not my fault that you couldn't hit a ball for crap."

"And it's not my fault that you have the balance of a panda on a tightrope," she rolled her eyes, "Half the time I didn't even hit you and you fell on your own accord. For a supposed gang member, you're much clumsier than I thought you would be."

"I punch people, I'm not an acrobat. And I've taken jiujitsu, mind you," he said to which she replied with a few, 'yeah, yeah', "You're not taking me seriously, are you?"

"Oh no, I take you veryyy seriously oh-King of Roppongi," (y/n) mockingly jested and Rindo sent her an unamused expression, "Whatever shall I do if I were to ever encounter you in my day-to-day life? Oh right, it was as simple as pushing you off a chair."

The (h/c)-haired female snickered as the blonde merely deadpanned. However, a light bulb lit in his mind and a mischievous smirk formed on his face without her even realizing it.

"Who's hurting whose feelings now, huh?" The tall male seemingly sounded hurt and she peered up at him in slight suspicion, "You wound me... I'll forgive you if you give me a hug."

Rindo opened his arms and (y/n)'s eyes immediately widened at the realization. Without even thinking twice, she booked it with her boyfriend right in tow.

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