Chapter 31: We Fell in Love in October

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"Whatever she did... I'm grateful that she found her way to his life."


Third Person POV

The club room was like walking into a burning restaurant kitchen during rush hour.

(Y/n) sweat-dropped at the scene. For a Saturday afternoon, the small room was packed with individuals scurrying around and yelling from across the room to pass something they needed. Everyone was working overtime and she felt guilty that she didn't help them out sooner.

"Oh, (l/n)-san! Thank you for coming over," the club president exclaimed with relief, hugging a giant ball of yarn to her chest, "Sorry for calling you when you already finished your end. We're just too behind and some of us haven't even gotten to the drama club's orders yet."

"It's perfectly fine, Prez," (y/n) smiled in reassurance before stuffing her hands in her hoodie pockets, "So what should I do?"

The third-year explained any costumes that haven't been completed yet and the younger girl nodded her head in understanding. Sewing up civilian outfits— which was her workload the past month— was so much easier compared to sewing full-on ballroom gowns that her upperclassmen were working on.

"Also, (l/n)-san," the older female started and (y/n) hummed for her to proceed as she set up her station, "You called me earlier to prepare something for the festival?"

(Y/n) briefly paused for a second before a knowing grin spread across her face. After all, going to club on a weekend wasn't all she wanted to do. Telling a white lie never hurt anyone, she thought.

She was planning a surprise for her extremely protective, clingy, and overly childish boyfriend.

Her earlier enactment of revenge was spontaneous and she just so happened to try her hand in it, but to be honest, it didn't really pan out for her. (Y/n) wanted to be more genuine with her feelings. Not that physical touch or intimacy was any less of her, but she knew that giving something to Rindo was something she was always willing to do. Fixing up his jacket, making clothes he sketched out, buying an extra snack for him during lunch even back when they were friends... she finally figured it out.

Her love language was gift giving.

"I hope I'm not bothering you with my favor, Prez..." the first-year student sheepishly spoke but the third-year shook her head in disagreement.

"Of course not! Anything to help my underclassmen," she responded.

As (y/n) was explaining her plan and how she wanted to execute it, there was a loud knock on the door before a whole mass of teenaged boys began to file into the room unannounced. The (h/c)-nette knitted her brows in confusion as the club president exhaled in exasperation and walked up to one of them to talk about something.

"Oh! (L/n)-san!" A familiar voice exclaimed. Perking up at her name, (y/n) caught sight of her classmate, Taichi, waving cheerily at her.

"Taichi? What are you doing here?"

"Our baseball practice ended early because some of us needed to try out our new uniforms and make any adjustments," he responded to which she formed an 'ohh' with her mouth, "How are you keeping up? Do you have a lot to do?"

"Nah, I actually finished my stuff a few days ago. I'm just helping out so we don't get behind," she replied whilst the male took an empty seat across from her, "Although, now that you're here, can I ask a favor from you?"

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