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{This chapter picks up where the last chapter ended}

Y/n, was with Xavier and Ajax in the quad when the blonde girl came up to congratulate them.

- Congrats on winning even though i'm not sure how. - she said smiling to Ajax and Y/n notice she probably likes him.

- Thanks, Enid. - they said almost at the same time.

- OMG, you are the red girl, Ajax told me you're the Xavier's new roommate! - she said without containing one bit all her excitement. - I'm Enid, did you know I have a blog? I really want to ask you a few things about you to put on my blog, if you're up for it of course. - she said shooking Y/n hand.

- I'm Y/n L/n. It's a pleasure to finally meet you and of course I can answer all your questions. - Y/n said smiling.

- We can do this in my room, let's go. - she said almost dragging Y/n with her.

- Okay. - she replied looking back with a worried face at Xavier and he and Ajax started laughing.

{ In Enid's room }

- It's Wednesday's side of the room. - said Enid noticing Y/n looking to the dark side of the room.

- Makes sense, where is she? - asked sitting with Enid on her bed.

- Honestly i don't know, most of the time she stays out of the room. Can we start? - she asked smiling.

- Sure. Ask me whatever you want. - Y/n said and Enid took her cell phone and typed something.

- Y/n, how old are you?

- Nine hundred years old, by the way, I turned that age the day I arrived. - she replied and Enid widened her eyes.

- Seriously? Does this have something to do with fire and rejuvenation?

- Yes, when I complete another hundred years I go through a process of rebirth.

- This is amazing. You never changed your name in all these years? And what kind of outcast are you? - she asked as she stopped to write everything on her cell phone.

- My name is the same since I was born. Do you mean what kind of creature am I?

- Exactly.

- I'm a born Vampire.

- Wow! I have never heard of anyone being born a vampire. How is this possible?

- A rare and complex event, that's a story for another day.

- Being such an ancient creature, you must possess a lot of knowledge. -she stopped to type again.

- Not really, from time to time i forget my old life years, now, for example, I only remember the last two hundred years.

- Oh, that's sad. And why does principal Weems give you so many privileges?

- I think it's because I'm a major donor to the school, before I came, I had already sent money to the school, and... because of my uncontrolled temper.

- What do you mean?

- She probably read in the records that I always had problems with emotions interacting with my power, I can have fits of rage and end up accidentally exploding someone's body. - Enid widened her eyes once more but then smiled.

- How you do it? - she asked really curious.

- I can control blood cells, so with enough focus I could pull them out causing the body to explode.

- Wow, you are the most amazing being I have ever met in my entire life.

- Oh, thank you. - Y/n said shyly.

- Do you always wear red?

- Always, except for sleeping, and the black in the uniform is an exception.

- Wow so much personality. I think that's all I needed to know first. - she smiled and apparently put every bit of Y/n's information about her on the blog.

{enid and Y/n spend a few hours talking without noticing that it was already getting dark}

- I think I have to go now, it was nice talking to you, Enid. - Y/n said getting up and went to the door.

- Oh, okay, we can talk some more another day. - she replied following Y/n opening the door for her and Y/n went to her room.

{Sixth chapter completed}

- V

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