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The Sequel to the Weirdos is out, titled "The Creeps". Here's a small sample of it from chapter's 1-2. Enjoy!


Her name was Phoenix and Narcolepse didn't like her in the slightest. Yes, she may have come from out of nowhere and saved Freak from drowning, but that didn't make her anywhere near trustworthy. It just made her not a completely terrible human being. He couldn't find it in him to be nice. He couldn't find it in him to let her get close. He had her stay back while they set up a camp and tried to start a fire. He didn't let her speak and offer out her flaming gift. He didn't want it. This had to be done by him. He had to show her he wasn't completely useless out in the wild. He was better than her. He was stronger. He could survive. It couldn't be that hard, now could it?

"Maybe we should ask-"

"No. I'll get the fire going, so hush."

Snow fell quiet and Narcolepse continued trying to create fire with his rocks and twigs. Freak sneezed and shuddered, inching closer to Snow, then quickly inching away. This wasn't working.

"You could just stop being a stubborn mule and let her help."

Snow said.

"I said I'll get it!"

"You're not getting anything."

Narcolepse glared at his rocks and twigs. They had betrayed him. Snow and Freak stood, going to sit with Phoenix who already had a campfire going. Narcolepse kicked over his pile of sticks and stood up, gripping Snow's wrist.


"Narcolepse, I'm cold. Freak is freezing."



"Just stay close?"

Snow sighed and nodded, then pulled off his backpack and pulled out the sleeping bag. Narcolepse pulled out his and laid it next to Snow's. Freak was on the side of the fire and Phoenix was across from Snow and Narcolepse. There was no way he was getting any sleep with her watching them.


The next morning, Snow and Narcolepse cleaned up the camp while Phoenix and Freak talked and she showed him dancing flames on her hand. It was odd that she existed in this world when Snow was already here. Why were there two elementals? Narcolepse had thought about it all night. One elemental was supposed to come into existence in order to save their world. Why were there two? It didn't make sense. He didn't trust it. He didn't like her being around Freak or Snow. He didn't like her being around at all, with her ombré red and blonde hair and her yellow eyes that lit up when she used her powers... It was like she was bragging. She had so much control. How did she figure it out? Snow couldn't. But then again, maybe that was Books' fault. Books was the reason they were defenseless... He purposely trained them the way he did. Good thing Narcolepse trained in private and was a lot stronger than he appeared.


He looked up and over at Snow at the sound of his voice.

"You've been trying to tie that knot for like five minutes."


Narcolepse looked down at the sleeping bag he was trying to tie up, unsuccessfully. Snow came over and tied it for him, then looked at Freak and Phoenix. Narcolepse followed his gaze. Freak was watching as the fire in her hands turned into a dancing figurine and a second came to join the first. The two figurines danced in her palm and she smiled, watching them while using her other hand to manipulate them the way she wanted. Like a puppet master with puppets, just no strings. Narcolepse looked away, slinging a backpack over his shoulder. This didn't feel right. She had everything so mastered. To the point that she could do that even. It just didn't seem natural.

"Say, Phoenix, when exactly did you discover this mutation of yours?"

She crushed the flaming dancers in her palm and looked at Narcolepse.

"When I was about this guy's age. Ten."

She smiled at Freak, then stood with him and joined the other two.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Coming with you? I haven't exactly anywhere else to go."

"But, you're a girl."

"Yeah? Have you got an issue with women? We can solve that real quick, asshole."

"That's not what I meant! Tell her that's not what I meant, Snow."

"I don't know what you meant, Narcolepse. How do you expect me to tell her anything?"

Narcolepse shook his head.
"God, let's just go."

He started walking and the others followed until Phoenix cleared her throat. Narcolepse rolled his eyes and looked back at the woman.


"Do you even know where you're gonna go? Do you know where you'll be safe? What exactly is the plan? Because if it's wander around the woods until the big bad goes bye bye, I'm not going to follow you anywhere."


Narcolepse groaned in frustration.

"Have you got some better plan that's more solid than mine?! It's not like you would know anything more than us right about now, right?"

"Hey, would you stop being such an ass and assuming shit? I might be a woman but that doesn't mean I'm immediately the enemy here."

"Well, you haven't exactly given us a reason to trust you yet, either."

Snow stepped between Narcolepse and Phoenix.

"Enough. We can't afford to stand around arguing all day. Phoenix? If you know something, could you tell us, please? We're lost..."

Phoenix nodded.

"Yes, you're right. As much as I'd love to argue all day as to why my gender is better, we have more pressing matters at hand. To answer your question, yes. I know things. I know where another safe house is, but it's empty. It'll just be us and we'll need a car."

Snow nodded at her.
"I know where we can find one, but it'll be tricky. We don't exactly know where the keys are and the vehicle is under the safe house we came from."

"Shouldn't be a problem."

"Wait, really? Even when the place was crawling with bad guys the last time we saw it? That's why we're in the forest. To get away from the people who want to kill us."

Snow looked skeptical, as he should. This woman was crazy.

"I'll go in alone. You three stay here, out of the way."

Phoenix said. Narcolepse crossed his arms.

"Why should we trust you?"
"Are you really pulling that card right now? I'll get you the damn car, just stay out of my way."

"No, no. How do we trust that you're not going to just steal it and leave our asses to fend for ourselves?"

"You're just gonna have to wait and see, I guess."

Phoenix shoved past Narcolepse and headed for the edge of the trees. Freak came and held Narcolepse's hand.

"I trust her. I think she just wants to help."

Narcolepse looked down at him.
"I can't be so sure."

"You never are."

Freak let go and went to Snow, hugging him. Narcolepse sighed. It was for the best that he didn't trust easily. You never knew what human or mutant was capable of until they stabbed you in the back or heart. He had trusted Books with everything. Books had been his friend. He didn't even know who he was anymore. Had it always been a ruse? That thought alone had him shutting down. He wouldn't let anyone else close again.

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