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By the time Books returned, Jasper's tears were gone and he wore a blank mask.
"Lunch is ready. You can stop to eat and rest."
Books said.
"Rest? I've hardly broke a sweat..."
Jasper mumbled. Books shrugged, then came over to stop the machine and take his device. Jasper got off the treadmill and followed the brunet out of the room. They went to the kitchen and picked up plates of sandwiches, then headed to the table to eat.
"Do you guys always eat together?"
Jasper asked as they reached the table.
"Not usually during lunch and not every day during breakfast, but we try at dinner time."
The two sat and began eating their sandwiches. Midway through, Jasper finished chewing and swallowed what was in his mouth, then asked,
"Where do you guys get your groceries?"
Books raised a finger to ask Jasper to be patient and give him a minute. Once he finished what was in his mouth, he spoke.
"Skins or I, usually Skins, takes the Jeep outside to the nearest store and buys all the groceries we need for the next two to three weeks."
"Is that sort of thing safe? Going out for groceries?"
Books set his sandwich down and let out a loud 'ha!' He shook his head and looked back at Jasper.
"Trust me, it is the most terrifying, unsafe thing we could possibly do. But, guess what? It's necessary for survival."
Jasper frowned, then looked up as Narcolepse came to the table, shoving Books' head rudely.
"Stop it. I swear, if I have to listen to anymore of your survival lectures, I'll start giving Skins a list of junk food for me and stop training. I'll get awfully fat and slow and still live a happy, long life."
Books glared at him.
"Seriously? I'd strangle you if I didn't know it'd kill you."
"Do it, coward."
Narcolepse sat down with his plate and started munching on his sandwich. Jasper couldn't help but smirk. In return, a napkin was thrown at his head.
"What're you laughing at, you overrated ice queen?"
Jasper glared at him and felt goosebumps spread over his skin, but it was glossed over by the anger boiling in his veins. He slammed his hands on the table and stood, then frost shot and spread across the table, covering the entire thing in a thin layer of white spirals. He didn't really notice it as Books jumped back and raised his hands away from his frozen plate. Narcolepse gave Jasper a bored look as the white haired teen approached him.
"What the hell is your problem? What have I ever done to you to deserve your spite?"
Narcolepse laughed at that.
"Oh, god! You think you're special! Sorry Snowflake, but you've got it all wrong. I'm this full of spite with everyone. If you can't take it, that's on you for being a little bitch. You can go hide in your bedroom. Otherwise, if you're done being such a sensitive child, you can sit down and eat your frozen sandwich."
"My... what?"
Jasper looked back at his plate and the sandwich covered in frost. Narcolepse continued eating his sandwich, luckily in his hands instead of on the plate. Books stared at Jasper with a pale face.
"We need to get that under control..."
Jasper gulped.
"I agree. Just... how do we do that?"
"Practice. Time."
The two were drawn away from each other by a sudden scrape of the chair and a thump. When they looked, the chair and Narcolepse were toppled over on the floor.
Books jumped to his feet and ran over to him.
"Jasper, go get some ice and paper towels. First aid kit is under the sink."
"Is he hurt? What-"
Jasper went into the kitchen and gathered the items for Books. When he returned, Books had his hands pressed firmly to Narcolepse's head and the other's body half in his lap to elevate his shoulders and head. Books removed one hand to take and apply the napkins, then opened the first aid kit.
"Jasper, come take my place. Keep firm pressure on his head and make sure he stays elevated."
Books and Jasper moved around quickly, switching places. Jasper felt bile rising in his throat when he realized the napkins were wet and red. He quickly swallowed.
"What happened?"
He asked Books while he searched through the first aid kit.
"Narcolepse is named for his... Narcolepsy. He fell asleep and hit his head when he fell. This isn't the first time."
Books moved Jasper's hands aside and began cleaning the wound. It was a very small cut, but it bled like it was a large gash.
"Look away if you're squeamish."
Jasper turned his head and looked out a window instead of at what Books was doing.

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