Author's Note

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I feel like I should explain my writing habits with The Weirdos. I kinda just write it when I feel like it and when inspiration hits. I try and add bits every day, but sometimes it doesn't happen and I have to fight with the story. So that can sometimes make me leave the story alone for days or even weeks to months but I always go back with a fresh mind and set of new ideas on how to continue. I have only a gist of where the story is going and that's because I'm a type of writer called a "pantser" meaning I write by the seat of my pants or in other words, I don't plan. I just write and sit back to watch what happens. I'm working on more chapters, guys. Thanks for reading and commenting and showing my story love. I get excited every time I get a new comment and it makes me so happy. Thanks for enjoying my work and letting me know that I'm doing a good job. Ok. Bye for now. Gotta go write a new chapter. -BleedingBeauty

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