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Jasper jerked awake to the truck door slamming shut. He expected to find himself at some house or maybe a hotel or something, but they were at a gas station and he had a kink in his neck. He wondered how much farther it would be until they reached their destination; and what would happen once they reached it. He had no idea what to expect. Would there be other mutants there? Would it just be him? What would the guardian be like? Would they be mean? Would they be overly nice? He didn't know if he could stand it if they were overly nice. What if they were somewhere in the middle? Like a mom. He might be able to tolerate that. If there were other mutants, would he fit in with them? Would he survive by himself in this safe house? Or would he become more of a wreck than he already was? He was always filled with so many questions and there just weren't enough answers in the world.

Evelyn came and sat in the seat next to him, then buckled herself in. She put a bag in Jasper's lap.

"Breakfast, kiddo. We'll be there in about an hour."

(It's like 12 in the morning)

"What happens, then?"

"You go live with the mutants until you're older. The monsters don't go after the older ones. Or, at least that's what I've heard."

"How old is 'older'?"

Jasper started looking through the bag, pulling out some sort of breakfast pizza. It was basically a bagel with plastic white cheese and burnt sausage. He made a face at it while Evelyn answered his question.

"Well, that depends on the mutant. For some, it simply means until they've reached adulthood at eighteen to twenty. For late bloomers, it means reaching your thirties or higher before you can leave. Late bloomers are kids that don't come into their gifts until their late teens to early twenties. So, that means you."

Jasper spit and choked on his drink, then whipped his head around and looked at Evelyn.

"I have to stay in there until I'm thirty?!"

"Something like that. But, don't worry too much. It's a wonderful place. I'm sure you'll like it. You can get to know the kids, spend your days reading all the books in their vast library, climb trees and sunbathe on the roof... They have lots of things to do there. You won't get bored, I'm sure."

"So, you know these people..."

"Know them?"

Evelyn snorted and practically choked on laughter, slapping at the steering wheel. All Jasper could do was stare at her odd behavior. While he loved his aunt, she could be kind of kooky sometimes. She let out a couple more chuckles and wiped a tear, then looked Jasper in the face.

"No. I do not know them. It would be damn near a miracle if a mundane knew the people inside the safe house. I won't even know you once you go in."

"What do you mean you won't know me?"

"They change your identity inside. You get a new name and a new life. You... Become someone different."

Jasper frowned and stared down at the sunflower seeds in his hand. His chewing slowed and he swallowed.

"What if I don't want to become someone different? What if I like who I am?"

"You don't really have a choice, Jasper. It's either, die out here, or... Get a new life in there. And I won't have you dying."

"But, you said you could protect me! You said you knew how!"

"I can only protect so much! What happens when I run out of bullets?! Huh?! We both die. And I don't think you want that to happen. So, I will escort you to your new destination for the next thirteen years."

The drive after that was rather silent. Jasper knew that Evelyn found this unfair, too. After he went into the safe house, would he ever see Evelyn again? What would become of her? He didn't want to lose his only family left. What was he going to do...? Was there anything he could do? Probably not.

Evelyn blew out a deep breath, then glanced at Jasper.

"I have to tell you something... You're not gonna like it. I have a lot to tell you that you're not going to like. But, I have to tell you before you get out of this car and are lost to me."

Jasper silently looked over at her. More bad news, huh?

"Your parents weren't just murdered by some psychopath. It was someone looking for you. It could've been monsters, or that collector, or something else, but they don't know where we are. They'll trace your steps pretty quick, though. Once you're at the safe house, you'll pretty much disappear from this world. You won't exist. Your trail will run cold."

"Then, what happens to you?"

"Once your trail runs cold, they'll be after me, to figure out where I took you. So, after I drop you off, we won't be seeing each other for a while... I'll have to go into hiding."

Jasper felt his brows pull together and his heart clench. He didn't want to hear those words. He knew something of the sort would be true, but saying it out loud, made it become real. And the real truth hurt so much.

"Evelyn, I don't want to leave you. I've already lost my entire family. My mom, my dad, both sets of grandparents... I can't lose you, too! You're all I have left!"

Evelyn let out a shaky breath.

"I know... It's hard, but that's life. You'll get over it, Jasper."

Jasper stared at his aunt, feeling the tears gathering. His vision became blurry and the tears began to fall like raindrops on a window. He was going to lose the last stable thing in his messed up life. He was going into the complete unknown. And he couldn't turn back. There was nowhere else to go.

"You'll be ok, Jasper. I promise, you'll be ok."

"It's unfair! All of this is so unfair! I never asked for this!"

Evelyn pulled off to the side of the road and unbuckled her seatbelt. She leaned over and hugged her nephew close.

"I hate this just as much as you do! How do you think I feel? You're all I've got. There's... Nobody left. Just you and me... And I have to let you go, too. I will be all alone for a very long time if we are to ever see each other again. All of this... It is unfair and it's so hard. But, we just have to get through it, you know? We have to push through..."

Jasper sobbed into her shoulder, squeezing her tight. He never wanted to let go.

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