Author's Note

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Hello, lovely readers! You've reached the end. This was a very long journey we've been through together, huh? And it was so amazing for me from start to finish. I want you to know that I do have a sequel planned and that I'm hoping not to give up. I really can't believe I did it. I made it all the way to the end of a story. I dreamt about this story a few years back, in 2017 I think. I've been working hard at this story ever since then to finally complete it today, October 27th 2020. It has a little over 44,000 words which I'll have you know, is the longest story I've ever ever ever written. This has been long and fun and beautiful and I thank you all for showing me your love and support with comments and votes. I owe a big thanks to family and friends for helping me with some of these ideas. Sadly, they'll never be able to read the complete story since they're quite Mormon and against lgbt+ community. It really does suck. But, that's enough of my rambling. I hope you enjoyed this story and I love you all.

-Bleeding Beauty

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