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Jasper was sprinting laps through the training room, panting and covered in sweat. He was chasing Narcolepse's long legged lithe form, trying to keep up. He wanted to beat him but he was incredibly fast at just a jog. Or maybe Jasper was just slow... But he'd been training on the treadmill for weeks. Surely he had to be getting faster, right? Being second place had its perks, though... From this angle he could admire Narcolepse's shape. He was in a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top, arms covered by... Jasper didn't know what to call them. Armbands? Like thin sleeves that went up almost to his shoulders. He had on ankle socks and tennis shoes and truly ran like a beast from a predator. Was Jasper the predator? He blushed at the thought. His next thoughts invoked an even deeper blush. He liked the way the tank top outlined Narcolepse's torso, sticking to his body with sweat. He never used to look at him this way before. Why now? Was it because of last night?
"On your left, Snow!"
Books said, passing Jasper.
"Wait, what?!"
"Get your head out of the clouds, Snowflake! Maybe you'd have a chance at beating a grandma across the crosswalk!"
Narcolepse said with a laugh. Jasper ran harder despite his muscles screaming at him. No way was he coming in third or last. He ran past Books, then nearly passed Narcolepse and-
His knees buckled and he fell to the ground.
He exclaimed and hit his hand against the floor. Books ran past.
"Get up, Snow! The real world won't wait for you!"
"Thanks for having my back!"
Jasper yelled at him, then shakily got back to his feet. Freak came over to his side and took one of his hands, looking it over for injuries.
"You ok?"
"I'm alright, Freak. Thanks."
He ruffled the boy's hair, then they finished the lap together at a walk. Jasper took a seat and rubbed his sore legs.
"You need to do better, Snow. Your performance today was... It was terrible. You're really bad at like... Everything."
"Thanks for the pep talk, Books."
"Any time."
"Lay off him, would you?"
Narcolepse said, shoving Books's shoulder. Books glared at him.
"Do you not understand that this kid is supposed to save our world? He can't even save himself."
Books walked away from them. Jasper stared at the floor. Books was right. He'd never be able to stop anyone threatening a mutant. He still had to try, though. He didn't want to see any of these kids go down... He had to train harder. He had to be on it all the time. He couldn't give up. He couldn't stop. When Narcolepse and Freak left the training room, Jasper stood and went to the targets, closing his eyes and bringing up his fears. He feared for Roderick. What if he were stuck forever, trapped within his own mind? What if he really was a normal guy in there, unable to come out? He had been normal once, right? What was keeping him from being that guy again? Jasper felt it. The goosebumps. The tingling. The cold. He started throwing ice orbs at the targets. His hands were shaking, but he kept throwing, kept trying. He had to save them. He had to save them all. How? How could he do it when he couldn't even hit a target in the center? Practice. Trying harder. Keep going, don't give up. Keep going. Practice harder. Don't give up. Don't give up. He told himself the words over and over until he was completely burnt out. He was too tired to continue after about an hour. He went to the showers and stood there a long time, letting the heat relax his muscles and warm his shivering body. When he left the training room, he was sore and wobbly and felt like he had made zero difference. He went and took a nap in his room.

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