19/Author's Note

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Jasper broke into laughter and shook his head. They were messing with him. This was all just a big joke. But, when he looked at them, none of them were laughing. They had stone cold faces of fear. He paled.
"You're not joking... Oh, god..."
"Here, sit."
Books pulled out a chair and Jasper sank into it. The woman went away, leaving Jasper with the other three. Silence ensued. Jasper could've sworn there were awkward cricket sounds. What was he supposed to say here, exactly? What was he supposed to do? Protecting the mutants from evil. That sounded like bull. Maybe they were messing with him.
"So, you need a name. Something that has to do with your gift."
Freak finally said, breaking the silence. Narcolepse snorted, bringing Jasper's attention to him.
"I've got a name. A few of them, actually."
"Well, spit them out, since you finally feel so chatty."
Freak said, staring at Narcolepse expectantly.
"They're not for your ears. Though, I think Frosty works just fine."
Jasper glared at him.
"I refuse to be called that."
"Too bad. That's your name from here on out in my book. Isn't that right, glasses?"
Books sighed.
"Can you not be a douche for one day?"
The woman said as she reentered the room. She set a plate on the table in front of Jasper.
"There you are. My name is Skins and it's a pleasure to have you here. I'm terribly sorry about your losses. You'll find this is a home full of broken families. Hopefully you can be at home here."
Jasper didn't know how to respond. Luckily, he didn't have to.
"Eat up. And don't worry about saving our world just yet. Put it out of your mind. That won't be until later."
Skins said with a warm smile, then she walked away. Jasper heaved a sigh and began eating. Just as he took a bite of egg, he heard Freak and Books interjecting. He found out why the moment the eggs crunched. His face scrunched and he picked up a napkin, spitting into it.
"What was that?!"
"Eggshell... Never eat food that Skins puts in front of you. Never."
Books answered.
"No, no! Please do. Maybe you'll get food poisoning and die."
Narcolepse said with a grin. Books, Freak, and Jasper glared at him. Then, Freak pushed a box of cocoa puffs toward Jasper.
"Here. I'd make myself a bowl of these, if I were you."

Author's Note
So, first of all, thank you to the people who have stuck with this story this far. I'm still writing it, don't worry. I just wanted to say thank you and ask for a little feedback and whatnot. For one, if you have ANY titles better than the one I've got, PLEASE, I am all ears. Secondly, since this is an ongoing story and in need of some serious editing, any love and advice would be very helpful. Don't be afraid to message me or leave comments on the story or whatever. I want to know how I'm doing and how to improve.
Bleeding Beauty

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