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Help me.

Jasper's eyes snapped open. He sat up and looked around, half expecting to be in the forest. It wasn't so. He was still in his room and it was bright out. But it was so quiet. He went on bare feet to the window and looked outside. And saw fire. The entire house was going up in flames. The flowers out front were turning to ash and the grass... He tried to scream but nothing came out of his mouth.

Jasper gasped and his eyes opened and he looked around frantically. He was standing at the window, but everything was normal. It was still dark out and... His cheek stung really bad. He turned and looked at Narcolepse with his brows drawn together.
"Did you hit me?"
"Yeah. You were freaking me out."
"You... Why? What... How did you even know? Were you watching me sleep?"
"No, idiot. I was outside and saw you standing in the window with your mouth hanging open. It freaked me the fuck out. And you just wouldn't move."
Jasper rubbed his cheek and leaned against the window sill. Narcolepse had a look of guilt on his face when Jasper glanced at him. Jasper dropped his hand and mumbled,
"Do you feel like sharing some things? About you?"
Narcolepse made a 'Tch' sound and moved to leave. Jasper gripped his hand.
"You owe it to me for hurting me."
"You manipulative bastard."
Jasper smirked at him and watched something cross Narcolepse's face. Like he was seeing something familiar. Maybe he was.
"I'll trade you answers for answers. That's my deal. Whatever I ask, you have to answer honestly. And in return, I will answer as truthfully as I can."
Jasper went to grab his notebook and packet, then sat on the bed with it, turning on the lamp. He started looking over the questions and listened to Narcolepse walking slowly over to him. Soon enough, the brunet was sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Uhm... What was your life like before you found your mutation?"
Narcolepse sighed and shook his head.
"I had a drunk father. When he wasn't hurting me, my mom was putting cigarettes out on my thighs and telling me to stop crying like a bitch. She would go out at night, all dressed up and drenched in perfume. My dad... As far as I remember, he didn't have a job. So that's it, that's my big secret. Why I have no love for my parents and why I keep my life private. Don't feel sorry for me."
Jasper stared at him quietly, unsure of how to feel. His heart was in his stomach and he didn't know what to say. So he just wrote it down and looked for another question to ask.
Jasper looked up at Narcolepse.
"Are you gay?"

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