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After the group finished up in the training room, Narcolepse snagged Jasper's collar and stopped him from leaving. Jasper turned around and looked at him, his cheeks going warm.
"Let's go to the locker room."
"The locker room...?"
Narcolepse started walking and Jasper followed. When they got inside, Narcolepse took a seat on the bench with his legs on either side. He stared up at Jasper and Jasper stared back. Narcolepse raised a brow at Jasper.
"You gonna sit?"
Jasper took a seat next to Narcolepse. Almost immediately afterward, his shirt collar was grabbed up again and he was being hauled into a kiss. He inhaled deeply through his nose and closed his eyes. His hands found their way to Narcolepse's shoulders and he melted into the other. His kiss was like an explosion of heat and brought out so many glorious feelings that were sure to drive him insane. When Narcolepse nipped his lower lip, Jasper nearly fainted. And then the warmth was gone from his lips and he chased after it, only to hear Narcolepse laugh and feel his fingers in his hair. He opened his eyes and Narcolepse put their foreheads together.
"Calm down, little Snowflake. We're just getting started. This is nothing."
"No, it's everything."
Jasper mumbled and tried to bring their lips together again. Narcolepse put a hand on his chest to stop him.
"Slow down."
Narcolepse chuckled.
"You're gonna cream your pants."
Jasper's cheeks went dark red. Narcolepse smirked and gave his lips a little peck, then his forehead.
"I actually wanted to talk to you."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah, but I think I prefer kissing you over talking."
Jasper chuckled at Narcolepse's words. Narcolepse took his hand and played with his pale cold fingers.
"But, in all seriousness. I think Books was playing us. I don't know what reason he would have for doing that, but I just got an odd feeling."
Jasper looked at Narcolepse with surprise.
"I felt the same way."
"If you find another note, let's make a pact to never show it to Books. We'll keep it to ourselves and decipher it without his help."
Jasper nodded. Narcolepse pecked his lips again, then stood.
"Come on. Let's go before the others come looking."
Jasper stood and the two left to go get lunch.

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