Bonus Chapter 1

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He watched the truck pull into the parking lot and saw a tuft of white hair in the passenger seat. The truck sat there a while before anything happened. The doors eventually opened and two people stepped out. He could see them in the mirror, gathering bags and bringing them to the Jeep a minute later. This was taking forever. He needed to be back before anyone noticed he was missing. It wasn't because he was scared or anything. He just didn't want to be yelled at tonight. It was a rough night for him. He needed to get out of the house and do something for himself or he would do something he'd definitely regret later. The two hugged each other and he rolled his eyes. He heard the new Mutant's muffled voice and then the woman was walking away. He looked at the kid, frowning when he continued to just stand there. Seriously, what the hell? Could he be any slower? He finally turned toward the Jeep and just stared in at him. Narcolepse was vaguely surprised by the face that was shown to him. He was a pale thing with bright red lips and eyes that appeared to be gray. The kid was older than he thought he would be. Maybe even around his age. He frowned and said,
"You gonna get in, or what?"
And the kid continued to stand there. And stand. And stand. He wasn't moving at all. For a second, Narcolepse wondered if he was reading his mind. Was that his mutation? He almost felt like his soul was being stared into. 'Hey, get out of my head!' He thought, trying to see if that would work. When the kid didn't even flinch, he decided that he wasn't a mind reader. So why was he still standing there? Did he have a death wish? The monsters could feel energies, supposedly. And two energies sitting here not moving was putting a target on their backs. They needed to move. Like five minutes ago.
"Hey, seriously. Are you in or are you dead?"
He finally blinked and shook his head, getting out of his trance.
"In. I'm in."
He got in and buckled up, then looked back at Narcolepse.
"I'm Jasper."
"Not anymore, you aren't."
It was true. They wouldn't use that name at the safe house. It wasn't... Mutant enough. It was too regular. Narcolepse pulled them out of the parking lot and onto the road. He could feel the kid staring at him. It was creepy. Why did he keep doing that?
"So where are we going?"
The kid asked. That was annoying. The kid should've known they were going to the safe house already. What an idiot.
The kid scoffed.
"Nope? What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means we're not doing this. The talking thing."
"We're not talking?"
God, what an idiot. He just said that, didn't he? Why was he repeating him? Like a fucking parrot. This kid was definitely gonna be a huge headache in the making.
The kid finally looked away and fell quiet. Thank the heavens above! He just needed some quiet. He didn't want to talk. Tonight was so bad and his skin itched. He was mentally tired. He didn't want to think, but sometimes it was unavoidable. He kept his eyes on the road and tried to focus on that instead. He hated where his mind kept trying to take him. To the depths of his own personal hell.
"Can you at least put on some music?"
Narcolepse frowned. This kid. He was really dumb. Reminded him of a ditzy blonde girl. He didn't respond to him. The radio wouldn't work. No matter how much he wished it would. Maybe then his thoughts couldn't wander and he wouldn't be stuck listening to this guy. Things fell silent and he blew out a heavy breath. God, just let him survive the night.

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