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Jasper sat up with a loud gasp and threw off his blanket. He let out panting breaths, then blew out one long, calming one and threw his legs off the mattress. He ran his hand through his white hair. What the hell was he dreaming about? He couldn't remember. But, something... Or someone? It said his name. He shivered and got out of bed, then gathered his things to get ready for the day. Things went smoothly until Jasper looked at himself in the mirror. He jumped at the pale reflection that stared back at him. His hand combed through the white hair, then gave it a few tugs. That really was his hair. It didn't even have dark roots. It was all pure white. His skin was pale, his eyes were gray... It was still difficult to get used to. Would he always look this way? Or would he gain his old coloring back? A decent tan, brown hair and eyes... He didn't stand out much and he kinda liked it that way. Now he'd stick out like a sore thumb and that made him feel sick. Everything made him feel sick nowadays, though. He was jolted from his thoughts by a knock on the door. He let out a small gasp and looked at the door. A moment later, he was gathering his things and opening the door. When he looked up and down the halls, though, no one was there. He shrugged and blew out a breath, then went back to his room. He put his things away and looked at the open curtains and the sun peeking through the trees. He walked over and looked down into the forest. A bright light caught his eye and he shifted his gaze to it, but it was gone. He blinked a few times, then rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things? Was he going crazy? Perhaps. Maybe this whole thing was really just a figment of his crazy imagination and he was stuck in it. He didn't know. Something made his neck prickle and then he heard a voice from the doorway.
"The first meal of the day is not something to push away. Chosen one, come and eat I say."
Jasper turned and found Roderick leaving his doorway. He went after the albino and almost ran into him when he came to an abrupt stop and turned.
"Learn and listen. Don't forget the vision."
Roderick stared at Jasper with a serious expression, waiting until Jasper nodded to continue down the hall and down the stairs. Just as Jasper reached them, he felt his neck prickle again. Someone was watching him. He turned and found Narcolepse coming to the stairs with an intense glare trained on him.
"Way to ruin my entire fucking day, frosty."
"I didn't even do anything!"
Narcolepse looked him up and down. Jasper looked down at himself, then at Narcolepse. They were dressed almost identically. The only difference was that the brunet wore a red zip up hoodie compared to Jasper's gray one. Narcolepse turned, walking back the way he came.
"So fucking irritating!"
He said to no one in particular, but Jasper knew Narcolepse meant him. Jasper shook his head and went downstairs to breakfast. What he walked into... It was chaos. There was yelling and running around and the smell of something burning.
"Get the fire extinguisher!"
"No, just throw some water on it!"
"No wait, don't!"
Jasper heard before he saw the flames on the stove grow higher.
Books yelled.
"How is that even possible?!"
Skins yelled hysterically, hands going to hold her head. Jasper ran into the kitchen and picked up the lid for the pan and smashed it over the fire. A moment of silence passed, then the fire was out. Books and Skins looked at him just as Freak came over and sprayed the stove with foam. He panted and set down the extinguisher, looking at the three with wide yellow eyes.
"I'm sorry!"
Skins reached out to touch his shoulder and he flinched hard, backing away. She bit her lip and took her hand back. Books spoke up.
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"But, the fire-"
"That was not your fault. You don't have the ability to create or control hellfire. This was a normal fire, Freak. It's ok."
"But I-"
Books grabbed cereal from a cabinet and handed it to the blue boy.
"Here. Go eat and calm down, ok?"
Freak nodded and went to the table. Books looked at Jasper.
"Thank you."
"Do your hands hurt?"
Jasper's features twisted into confusion.
"No. Why?"
"You just reached into fire."
Skins said, eyes wide. Jasper looked down at his hands, finding them sparkling with frost. It slowly faded away and he was left with perfectly normal looking hands. Just cold and pale.
"Yeah... You're definitely a strong elemental. I think you'll do good."
Books said with a smile. Jasper looked at him, then back down at his hands.
"I can't control it, though."
"Your body knows how. It's your mind that needs to figure that out and use it to its advantage. You'll get there, ok?"
Jasper nodded as Books patted his shoulder and walked out of the kitchen.

Author's Note
Hey, there readers! Exciting new chapters are on the way, please be patient with me, the story gets better. I haven't given up on this, yet(I tend to give up on stories and start new projects and never finish those, either...).

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