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Two days later, Jasper had his essay written on Books and had started the one on Roderick. He'd gotten all he could from the albino. It all just came down to Roderick being disturbed. He didn't make sense. But he was as pure as a newborn. There was just one last bit he wanted for his essay. Where had Roderick come from? Jasper found Skins in the training room with Narcolepse, doing leg exercises that looked rather painful on Narcolepse's part. He was almost doing a full split.
"Uh, Skins. I was hoping I could talk to you about Roderick?"
"Sure. I'll come find you in a bit."
Jasper nodded and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a glass of water and sat down at the table with it. He closed his eyes and tried to focus and relax. He went back to the very beginning. The shattering soda bottle and the frozen window in the middle of summer. What had he been doing? What was he thinking about in that moment? How was he feeling? He was sitting in the living room with a glass soda bottle sitting in the window sill. He was thinking... Thinking about telling his parents something important. Important to him. Something that could be dangerous for his relationship with them. He got this gut wrenching feeling of fear and reached for the soda bottle. His mom came into the room and he looked at her, the fear growing when he saw her face. Had he said something out loud? Did she hear his thoughts? He felt goosebumps all over his skin and his hands were cold. He looked at the window to find it frosted over and the soda bottle shattered. She screamed and his father came when he heard the sound. Fear. He was afraid. The goosebumps started spreading over his skin and he felt his hands go cold. He opened his eyes and the cup was frozen to the table.
"Oh, shit!"
He stood up and stared at it in awe.
"That was it. That was... Books!"
He ran away from the table and went to find the brunet with glasses. He found him in his room, tinkering with mechanics, if the black smeared on his cheek and hands didn't say so. He was in a white tank top that had black stains on it as well. Jasper's eyes glanced from Books's face to his strong arms, then back again. Books raised a brow.
"I-I figured it out. I froze something."
"Good. Show me."
Books wiped off his hands and followed Jasper downstairs to the cup, still frozen to the table.
"I was thinking about it. How I felt the very first time. And the more I thought about it, the more I remembered, it came to me. My fear is an activator. I was afraid the first time the frost left my hands. I was afraid when it happened the second time. I was afraid in the car with Narcolepse when he passed out."
"Yeah, but were you afraid when you froze the table?"
"There was a bit of fear there, yes. I was going to confront Narcolepse and part of me was afraid of that."
"Ok. What else do you know?"
"I get goosebumps and my hands get cold and then..."
Books smirked at Jasper.
"Voilá. Ice ice baby."
Jasper laughed.
"Ok. We should do some more tests. You need to control it."
"Yeah. When do we start?"
"Whenever you're ready. We could start now."
"Yes. I mean no. I'm waiting to talk to Skins."
"Oh... Ok. Another time, then. Maybe tomorrow."
"That could work."
Books nodded and left the kitchen.

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