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The target was destroyed a moment later, then Books shouted,
"Dammit! Fuck you, Narcolepse!"
The room lit up red and a single blare of an alarm sounded. The environment disappeared and was replaced with the regular training room. The cars were replaced with barriers that had risen from the floor. Skins came out of the control room to look down at the boys.
"Good first try. Books, watch your language and your tone. Be kind to your teammates. Narcolepse, don't kill your targets, just disarm and disable. Your violence is unacceptable. That's what lands you in jail in the real world and gets you incredibly horrific consequences."
Narcolepse rolled his eyes.
"The rest of you? Pay better attention to your surroundings. Let's go again."
She entered the control room and they started the scenario again. They went through it over and over for hours and made very little progress toward the laboratory in the skyscraper. By lunch time, everyone was tired, angry, frustrated.
"God, we suck."
Narcolepse said as they all sat at the dining room table. It was full of snacks and wrapped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They all dug into the fruit snacks, sandwiches, apples, and juice boxes. It didn't taste bad even though it looked like a school cafeteria lunch. They were done for the day, according to Skins. Books, on the other hand, had other plans.
"We need to work together. After you guys have rested, we go back in. No stupid simulator shit, just us. We're going to get better coordinated and learn to trust each other. We have to have each other's back. Faster reflexes. All of it."
Narcolepse, Freak, and Jasper groaned. Freak put his head on the table and shook his head.
"I'm done. Can we try tomorrow?"
Books frowned.
"Fine. First thing tomorrow."
Jasper sighed in relief. He looked over at Narcolepse and saw him quickly lower his head. He raised a brow, then looked at Roderick. He was staring out the window with wide eyes while munching on the sandwich in his hand. His other hand held the arm of the chair. He smiled a little. The albino was watching hummingbirds drink from a feeder and chase each other around. He seemed to be alright. That was good.

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