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When Jasper headed to his bedroom that night, he found Narcolepse leaning against the wall by his door.
"Have you figured things out, Frozen Queen?"
"You're not straight."
Narcolepse sighed and shook his head.
"You are hopeless."
He took Jasper's hand and led him down the hall to his door. He opened it and pushed Jasper inside, then closed the door behind himself.
"Go on. Up the stairs."
The fairy lights were on so Jasper had no problems going up them. He looked around the room and at the black lace curtains framing the bed. It looked like a teenage girl's instead of that belonging to a guy like Narcolepse. There were drawings scattered all over the room. Some hung up on the wall. Some were lying on the floor. Several falling out of a trash bin by the desk. Why did Narcolepse hate this room? What was so bad about it? And why had he been brought here? He turned and saw Narcolepse staring at him with half lidded eyes that gave Jasper chills. His eyes were dark and a tad bit scary. He'd never seen Narcolepse look like this before. He didn't know what the expression meant. Narcolepse began taking off his jacket, slowly unzipping it and pulling his arms from the sleeves, then tossing it onto the bed. And then Jasper understood.
"Oh my god."
Narcolepse, standing in just his t-shirt and jeans, was covered in scars and scabbed wounds on the insides of his arms.
"I try not to come here. Because I can't trust myself when I'm alone in here. I do bad things... No matter how hard I try to make this a safe place for myself, I still..."
"You need help."
"I know."
"Why aren't you asking for it? Why are you just suffering like this alone?"
"Who would help me? The only people qualified to do that are on the outside of our inner workings. I'd be in a science lab faster than you can say... I don't know."
"Why are you showing me this?"
"Because, Snow. I want to bare myself to you. I want you to know everything about me. I want to know everything about you. I see you look at me and look away and I just want with every fiber of my being to be the center of your attention always. I feel like I know you. Like I've known you for years. God, I know it's cheesy. But I can't stand this anymore. I see you in my dreams all the time. It hurts that we are this close but miles apart."
"What are you trying to say?"
Jasper felt like he couldn't breathe. Was this real? Narcolepse stepped toward him, then continued until he was standing in front of Jasper. Now he really couldn't breathe. Narcolepse raised his hand and slid his fingers back into Jasper's hair, keeping his palm on Jasper's cheek. Jasper looked at his wrist, then at Narcolepse. And then he was being kissed. His eyes fell shut and the world disappeared out from underneath him. His lips felt tingly like they'd been shocked or vibrated and he had an intense desire for more of this feeling. His hands fisted in Narcolepse's t-shirt and he kissed Narcolepse back, hard and deep like this was a war and he was winning. But Narcolepse grabbed his chin, pulled down and Jasper's lips parted. And a new sensation was introduced. Their tongues tangled together in Jasper's mouth and he couldn't help the little whine that left his throat. This was so amazing. So intense. Jasper didn't want it to end. And then Narcolepse was pulling away so they could catch their breaths. Jasper could feel how hot his cheeks were and the heat radiating from Narcolepse who was still so close.
"Where did you learn to kiss?"
Jasper said, dazed and lips still humming. Narcolepse smirked.
"I'll never tell. Besides, it's my turn to ask questions."
Before Narcolepse had a chance to ask, though, a knock sounded at the door.

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