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Throughout the next few days, Jasper spent time with Roderick. He followed him out to a garden on the side of the house that had several different plants and flowers and one great big apple tree. He climbed up with Roderick on the third day and they sat on a sturdy branch, eating the apples. Afterwards, Roderick wanted to show Jasper something and they carefully climbed higher. There, Roderick pointed to a bird's nest. Jasper smiled at the tiny birds within, chirping with their beaks open wide, waiting for food. They watched them for a while, quiet and with their hands to themselves. The mother eventually returned with a grasshopper, then went off again after feeding the babies. Roderick looked at Jasper with glittering eyes and a large smile, then climbed down from the tree. Jasper followed him. When he reached the ground, Roderick clapped his hands and put his fisted hands in the air, yelling,
"Race! Race!"
And then he was running. Jasper blinked a few times, then ran after him.
"Where to?! Where are we racing?!"
Roderick didn't answer other than to hoot and holler at the sky, arms outstretched. While Jasper watched the albino ahead of him, it wasn't hard to picture him soaring through the air like a dove signifying peace and tranquillity. Jasper smiled to himself. Roderick was a very pure soul. It was sad that he was also tortured inside. Tortured to the point of no longer able to perform normal life functions. What had happened to him? How did he end up that way? Where did he come from?


Jasper gasped and looked toward the line of trees, then let out a yelp as his feet came out from underneath him and he went tumbling down a hill. He came to an abrupt stop when his head hit something hard. He saw black spots in his vision before he was out completely.

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