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"Skins! Snow, get the others!"
Jasper ran upstairs and woke Freak and went to Roderick's room. After getting the albino, he saw Books standing at the stairs. He looked at all the lights shining in through the windows downstairs. They were surrounded. The fear in Jasper's body was enough to make him shake and feel the need to freeze up. He was tense and he didn't want to go down there. But Narcolepse was down there.
"What's going on, Snow? What's happening?!"
Freak held onto his arm and Jasper suddenly felt the will to move.
"We've been found."
Freak ran back into his room. Jasper went to grab him, but he moved too fast. He came back a moment later with a backpack and shoes on. He ran downstairs and Jasper and Books followed. Books reached the downstairs and Jasper was still on them when the door slammed open. People dressed in complete black armed with large looking guns came in, looking through their scopes. Jasper jumped over the stair railing to the bottom floor. Freak ran to him and one of the men yelled,
"What the fuck?! It had a tail!"
Narcolepse appeared from nowhere and pulled Jasper and Freak behind the staircase. He opened a hidden door and shoved the boys inside, then pulled it shut behind himself. Through a hole in the stairs, the three could see Skins and Roderick. Roderick had his hands over his ears and was chanting,
"Not again, not again, not again!"
Skins was standing with her hands raised as they pointed a gun at her. A man walked in through the front door and gripped her chin. She glared at him.
"You. You fucking bastard, I should've known it was you this whole time! What've you done with the girls?!"
"Tell me where the rest of them are. Tell me, Skins. Where is the Elemental?"
She spat in his face.
"You were supposed to be their teacher. Their friend, their protector! You're one of them!"
She lunged at him but was held back by two of the others in black. He shook his head.
"Skins, this way I'm protected. I'm exempt from the main scheme of things."
"You really believe that, you idiot?!"
"Take her down. She won't be giving up any answers. Spread out, find the kids."
The people dressed in black fanned out around the house and the two took Skins outside. Jasper jumped and closed his eyes at the two loud bangs that sounded. Skins... Oh, god.

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