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Jasper had fallen asleep in the afternoon after a long morning of freezing and attempting to unfreeze things. It was exhausting work. When he awoke, he felt eyes on him and goosebumps covered his arms. It was dark in this part of the house. He could tell it was the living room simply because of the squeak of the couch as he sat up.
"Who's there?"
He tried to see through the darkness, but it was impossible. He heard shifting, then a light flicked on. Narcolepse was just walking into the room.
"Dinner is ready. I'll help you to the table."
Jasper stared up at him as he came to stand in front of him.
"How long have you been watching me?"
"The fuck are you talking about?"
"You were watching me sleep. I could feel it."
"I just came out of the kitchen. I was cooking dinner. You were dreaming."
"I heard you moving in here. You walked across the living room to turn on the light."
"No. I didn't. Stop arguing with me, you can even ask the others. They saw me cooking in the kitchen."
Jasper looked around the living room. They were alone. And if what Narcolepse said was true... Who was watching him? Was he going crazy? Jasper shivered and slowly stood. He put his arm around Narcolepse's shoulders and Narcolepse put his arm around Jasper's waist. Immediately, Jasper's cheeks went red. The two began to make their way toward the dining room. Jasper stumbled a lot, trying to walk on the sides of his feet instead of the bridges. They eventually made it and Narcolepse sat him down at a spot where a plate was already served.
"There. Freak said his prayer, we're all seated and here, let's eat."
Narcolepse said. Everyone dug in. Jasper couldn't help but be thrown off by what happened in the living room. He couldn't stop thinking about it. Was someone else in there? And where did they go? Maybe it was the thing from the woods that had been calling to him. Was it trying to send a message? Or was it a person? And how did they leave without being seen by either him or Narcolepse? It was freaky. It was super weird. It gave him chills. Ghost? Human? Good? Bad? Either way, he didn't like it.
He gasped and raised his head. Everyone was staring at him.
"Are you alright?"
"Uh... Y-yeah. I'm fine."
Freak tilted his head, shrugged, then started eating again. The others slowly returned to their own plates. Jasper did the same. After the meal, the plates were gathered as taken to the sink to be rinsed and put in the dishwasher. The others left until it was just Jasper and Narcolepse. The brunet made his way over to Jasper and leaned against the table beside him. Jasper stared up at him and he stared back.
"Ready to tackle the stairs?"
But Jasper still stood and they made their way up. It was a slow, painful process. But, Jasper was soon resting on his bed and Narcolepse was leaving his room. Jasper sighed and laid down to sleep.

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