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At dinner, Books was awfully quiet with his face buried in a book while he ate bites every few minutes. No one bothered him, luckily. Jasper didn't think Books could handle being bothered right now. He'd probably explode. Skins, Jasper noticed, was frowning at Books with worry in her eyes. Jasper stared down at his plate and pushed around his broccoli and carrots. It wasn't that he didn't like the vegetables, he just wasn't hungry. He was upset that he'd upset Books. After dinner was cleaned up, Jasper headed to his room with a lot on his mind. He got ready for bed and tried to sleep, but ended up tossing and turning all night. He eventually got up and left the room, going back downstairs as quietly as he could. He went to the kitchen and got a drink of water, sitting down at the table and staring down into the cup. He could hear a clock ticking somewhere in the house and an occasional creaking of the house as it settled. Crickets chirped outside and there might've been an owl. He focused more intently on the water inside the cup and ran his finger up the side of it. Freezing it was his intention. All it did was make it slightly cold. No ice or frost or anything. Would he ever learn to control this?
"Can't sleep, huh?"
Jasper jumped and looked over at the voice. His eyes widened at the sight of Narcolepse.
"Uh, yeah..."
"Full moon... Could be part of it. My issue is just that I can't regulate my internal clock due to the... Narcolepsy. I'm up at all kinds of odd hours..."
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked to the side, away from Jasper's confused face.
"Why're you being nice?"
Jasper asked the other. Narcolepse snorted.
"Do you want me to turn on the hostility, Frosty? Because I can do that, flip it on like a switch."
Jasper frowned and didn't answer.
"So... What did you do to upset Books?"
Jasper sighed at the question.
"I asked about his parents."
Narcolepse hissed and cringed.
"Ooh... Yeah. Sore spot for him."
"Isn't it a sore spot for everyone here?"
"Yeah, pretty much. Not me, though. I could give less fucks about them..."
Jasper frowned and his brows drew together.
"Let's just say I don't love them. And that's all you're getting out of me. I don't do the whole... pity party shit."
Narcolepse crossed his arms. Jasper watched him quietly and saw him swallow, Adam's apple bobbing.
"What're you staring at me for?"
Jasper looked down at his lap. He heard Narcolepse's clothing shift as the brunet moved, going into the kitchen on practically silent feet. Jasper watched his back as he went. He looked away before he could be caught staring again. When he looked back over at the kitchen, Narcolepse was gone. What a strange encounter.

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