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Jasper continued to work with Books over the next few days while his feet healed. They worked on freezing and unfreezing and trying to see what things Jasper could create. So far, he could make ice orbs, frost explosions, and ice explosions. Books believed there was more in him than that. So they kept training and he kept pushing Jasper to go longer, to try harder. All it was achieving was exhaustion on Jasper's part. When his feet finally healed, he was put back to his exercises and more training. One night, while they all sat at the dining table waiting on dinner, Skins suddenly announced,
"It's time to turn in your projects! I completely forgot about it, but I'm ready for them now. So, if you're not in the kitchen, go get your papers."
The boys ran off to do so. Jasper was the first to return with his. Narcolepse came back with his own and Books'. Freak handed his over and Roderick... Roderick was seated, staring out the window with wide eyes. Jasper shivered. It was pitch black outside. What did he have to stare at out there? Skins began looking over all the papers.
"Books, of course, chose to simply save the most important person and himself. So, our Elemental and him. Freak saved the Elemental and Books, Narcolepse saved only himself, and our Elemental..."
She paused and lowered the papers, looking at Jasper.
"He saved everyone but himself."
"Wait, how is that possible when there are only two seats?"
Skins looked at Books.
"He has two people hold the supplies. And stays behind so that you all live."
"Because that is what heroes do."
Narcolepse said from the kitchen. Freak laughed at the comment taken from one of the Thor Marvel movies.
"By the way, dinner is done if the rest of you are ready."
The boys stood and went to get themselves plates of food. After dinner was movie night and then bed. Before turning out the lights, Jasper realized he really needed to finish his project before he ran out of time. He still needed to shadow Narcolepse and Freak. Narcolepse seemed a bit more tolerable these days, but who knew how he would get when Jasper started poking at him? Freak would be simpler, right? Hopefully. He turned out the light.

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