Forever Home

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December 2nd - Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows

Cold, delicate fingers wrap around a hot mug
She blows on the cocoa, so she doesn't burn her tongue
A smile graces her lips as she takes the first sip
There is something special about the first hot chocolate of the season
Small feet walk towards the window, the mug still in her hands
The world is white as the snow falls
Lucy smiles and remembers it all
The first time she came here and saw that snowy wood
The day she found the best hiding spot anyone ever could
In love with a world she hardly knew
Yet she felt like she'd known Narnia forever too
As she watched the snowflakes fall and sipped her hot chocolate
There was a warm feeling deep within her heart
It was precious moments like these when she knew for certain
Narnia was her forever home; and it was truly a beautiful one

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