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December 10th ~ Snowball Fight

Balls of snow made quick as lightning
Balls of snow made while children are hiding
White and round made with beautiful fluffy snow
They look so soft like they wouldn't hurt at all
But a well made snowball is enough to make a grown man fall
If thrown from a distance it hurts even more
Snowball Fight is simply another word for War
In the gardens at Cair - after the snowfall last night
The Pevensies are about to have a snowball fight
They split into teams and make their weapons
For the team to run out first must surrender
All children are ready all balls are stacked high
It is time to begin The Pevensie Snowball Fight
Balls are thrown and shouts are loud
Until Lucy Pevensie is knocked down
She was hit right in the nose you see
with a ball of ice - An automatic penalty
"Who made an ice ball?" Susan asked
"I didn't know it was ice." Peter confessed
"It doesn't matter. No ice balls allowed"
Peter sighed and knelt down. "Lu you okay?"
Lucy wiped her nose and looked up at her brother
Then she smiled and stood and jumped all around
"I'm amazing! We finally beat you clowns!"

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