What Makes it Feel Like Christmas

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December 20th ~ It Won't Feel Like Christmas Without You

I can smile and dress nice and look happy
I can hang lights and decorate a Christmas tree
I can mail cards and I can send out gifts
All the things that make it feel like Christmas
But no matter what I do
It won't feel like Christmas without you
Without mum hanging our stockings all sewn
by hand
And dad reading the Christmas story while we sit on his lap
Without Lucy handing out countless Christmas cards
Giving some of them to complete strangers
Without Edmund trying to eat all the cakes and cookies
And mum saying he must leave some for the rest of the family
Peter helping out whoever he can
Mum in the kitchen, Lucy with her cards, or me wrapping presents
Wrapping gifts is one of my favorite things
Peter of course was always willing to help me
He was actually the only boy in the family who could wrap a present neatly
Lucy mum and I could wrap gifts quite well
But dad and Edmund...would somehow always fail
Dad would have either too much paper or not enough
Edmund would do the tape...but it always ended up everywhere stuck
On his fingers, in the floor and somehow in his hair
Which is why the only boy allowed to wrap was Peter
A tear escaped my eye at all these memories
Oh how terribly I miss my family
It's the little things like this
That truly make it feel like Christmas
Moments I thought were nothing but ordinary
When I look back turn out to be extraordinary
So take the small moments you have with your family
Cherish each one because soon enough it will only be a memory
Even if you're fighting and nobody can get along
Hug the people you love because one day they'll be gone
What makes it feel like Christmas isn't the gifts the trees or lights
It's having people you love right there at your side
So if you're reading this and you're with your family
Hug them; and let them know how much they mean
Because one day they'll be gone and you'll wonder if they knew
It won't feel like Christmas without you

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A/N: If y'all haven't noticed by now I write a LOT of LB Susan 😂

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