The Most Beatiful One

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December 1st - Autumn turns into winter

Orange leaves crunch beneath cold feet
But as he begins to look around snow comes crashing down
The trees start going bare as more leaves fall to the ground
He takes a deep breath and looks up at the sky
The flakes start to fall quicker and grow bigger
As he watches the snowfall he thinks of so many things
How beautiful Narnia is; how lucky he is to be king
He thinks about how powerful The Creator must be
To make something so beautiful, so delicate, and so very unique
A smile graced Edmund's lips, and he caught a snowflake on his tongue
"Out of all the seasons, winter is truly the most beautiful one"

* * * *

A/N: Hello my loves!!!! Happiest December to each and everyone!!! I am SOOO excited for Christmas!!!!🥰🎄 So as you have probably guessed, I'm doing this a little differently than I did last year. Rather than writing a one shot for each prompt, I'll be writing a poem😊I write poetry occasionally, just to get my feelings out. I've always wanted to try a poetry challenge so I can write more often, and I've been VERY unmotivated to write I thought this would be a fun thing to do this year!!!🥰 I hope y'all will still enjoy even though it's different from what I normally do. And if you DO like it, who knows maybe I'll publish a poetry book on here so I can write more! Just let me know what y'all think!!!💚💚

Now this poem is a lot shorter than most that I've written, so I'm sure I'll have longer ones with some of the other prompts, and probably some about this length too. It will most likely vary. But I hope you'll enjoy them all & let me know what you think!!!😉

This challenge is by my dearest friend (who you definitely know if you've been reading my work for a while) MagicofNarnia !!!! Check out her Christmas one shot book if you'd like to participate too!!! There's still time!!!☀️

Love you all, hope you enjoy!!!
Love Abby!!!💚❤️💚❤️🥰😘🎄❄️🫶🏼

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