Crimson Red on Swan White Snow

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December 15th ~ Blood Stained Snow

Crimson red on swan white snow
Every single sin upon He who knew none
God created a perfect world - one as white as snow
But we destroyed it because that's our sinful nature
So God sent His begotten son to die
He wore a crown of thorns, hung on a cross, and sweat blood
And all of it was done out of love for us
So that we may understand how good and perfect His love is
He washed away our sin as red as crimson
And made us white as snow
Just like Aslan did for Edmund
That's what he thought about when he looked at the snow
It reminded him of the way Aslan made him new
White like snow he made him
And in so many ways he saved him
Aslan saved his life twice and loved him when that's all he needed
An unconditional love despite his imperfections
The same kind of love God has for us
Crimson blood on swan white snow
Washed away by Jesus Who made us all new

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A/N: I'm very proud of this one!🥰❤️

also don't think I would have come up with "Swan White" without my friend Tricia!!! tricia_pevensie !!!💖She is currently writing a fanfic NAMED Swanwhite so that definitely inspired this! It's a Narnia & Hunger Games crossover and it's absolutely AMAZING!!!! Truly one of my favorite fanfics I have EVER read!!! And Tricia is an AMAZING writer!!!!😍There's always so much happening and so many plot twists and never a boring SECOND!!!! So go to her Wattpad and give it a read if you haven't! I promise you WILL NOT regret it!!!!!

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