Imperfect but Perfectly Made

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December 19th ~ Mistakes are Forgiven

I'm not a perfect person by any standard
I try to fly and sometimes can't even stand up
I fall I fail and I get things wrong
God knew this and still sent His son
Everyone on earth is an imperfect human
We've all made mistakes time and time again
But every single one of them He forgives
No matter how bad it gets or how far we fall
We have Jesus to get us through it all
He knows we're imperfect and He's okay with that
He only asks that we love Him and repent
No mistake is so bad you won't be forgiven
Because all God wants is for you to love Him
You can find your way home and you can be Redeemed
This is a lesson we lear from Edmund
How important it is to forgive like Jesus
We should always give second chances
Because even a traitor may mend
We all know of one that did
Not only was Edmund forgiven but also made king
This truly shows how deep Gods love is for us
Even betrayal isn't too much for God
We can all have that same story of redemption
When we find God and accept his love, grace and forgiveness

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A/N: I JUST wrote this & I am very tired as I do so and I am a day behind on my poems...but I'm proud of it😂 especially since I'm so tired writing it haha!!! Hope y'all like it too!!!❤️

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