Canon facts :)

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- Y/n is bisexual and asexual

- Newt is gay and Thomas is pansexual

- The third letter Newt gave Thomas was for Minho.

- Y/n struggles to feel empathy for others, but tries her best anyway.

- Upon reaching the right arm, Mary convinced Vince that y/n wasn't a bad person for taking some of their supplies, that's why he accepted her after Mary's death.

- Just before his death, Eric received all of his memories; his last thought was of y/n.

- Newt told Minho to suck it up and make a move on y/n in his letter.

- When y/n was passed out, the boys all looked after Esme as they were scared if she got hurt, y/n would shout at them when she woke.

- Esme accidentally called y/n mum once, nobody heard expect Frypan, who swore not to tell anyone.

- Y/n kept Newts brown jacket, she wears it most days, unless she's wearing Minho's.

- Y/n never takes off the necklace Newt's letter is on, she reads it whenever she misses him.

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