Chapter 16.

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Chapter song: Atlantis- Seafret

I slept like a little baby that night, to the point I didn't even care that I was woken up at 5:30 by the sound of an alarm. I groaned as I rolled over, looking around for Esme who was already up. stirring some milk into two mugs, carrying one over, placing it on the small table besides my bed,
"I made you tea" She said, gesturing to it. I smiled at the girl, taking a small sip. I hadn't had tea since I was with Hailey and it tasted just as good as I remembered,
"Thank you" I told her, swinging my legs out of bed, standing up and picking my clothes up, which were folded neatly on a chair near my bed. 

I stood in the bathroom, inhaling deeply as I pulled my crop top over my head, it smelt amazing. I picked up my toothbrush which Esme had previously given me, laying a thick line of toothpaste over the top, tying my boots up as I brushed my teeth as I was running late.
"Hurry up!" Esme laughed at me as I picked up my jacket, throwing the toothbrush into the sink before running out the door, catching up to the girl who was already walking towards the lift. Considering the circumstance, I was in an incredibly good mood today, not even the rat man could ruin it. I told Esme about Janson's little nickname, I think she likes it more than I do really. I've only know her for a night but it feels like years, she reminds me of Hailey a lot, hell she even looks like her a little.
"Here it is." Esme said, stopping in front of a door to a medical room, a lot like the one I was in yesterday. Esme shook her head,
"I have to interview some of the others kids, just make sure they're all doing okay" She explained and I hummed in response,
"I guess I'll see you at lunch?" I asked and I saw the girls face light up,
"You want to eat with me?" She asked, sounding extremely excited,
"Of course I do" I rubbed the top of her hair, making her giggle before running off, leaving me alone. I knocked one the door before entering, walking in to be greeted by Ava and another doctor I was yet to meet.
"Doctors" I acknowledge the two, putting out my hand to shake the doctor,
"Y/n, this is Doctor Bowman. He'll be your main doctor throughout this, you have any queries, he's your man" She explained and the man gave me a nod as a sort of greeting I guess, "Now, before we start, I assume you have certain requirements for us to work together" She guessed. I mean she did guess right, I obviously wanted certain things,
"I do yes. Firstly, if this works, I need you to let the other kids go" I began and the doctor nodded in agreement, "Secondly, we're working together now. Which means no secrets, I am just of deserving of information than you" She agreed with me again, "Finally, I'd like to talk to Minho." I watched as Ava froze,
"What?" She asked, as if she didn't hear me,
"Minho. I know he's here, I want to talk to him. Just so I know he's okay. One conversation. five minutes" Ava looked at me for a second before nodding,
"I'm sure we can arrange that. Is that all?" She asked and I could feel a wave of relief wash over me, I was actually going to be able to talk to him.
"Uh yeah I think so. I'll let you know if I think of anything else" Ava nodded before gesturing to Bowman, who began to take the lead,
"Okay y/n this is how we're going to do this. There's something in your blood which we will have to extract, not too much, just 10ml or so to start with. We can do that today and get it prepped for tomorrow, where we'll mix it with your blood and mix it with some of the virus, if all goes to plan we can start human trails the day after tomorrow" The doctor explained, making his way over to a bed which was placed next to a machine of sorts,
"This is the thing that'll extract it?" I asked, walking over, examining the machine, sure it looked sketchy as hell but whatever it takes, right?
"All right, you just take a seat, get comfy as this'll take an hour or so and I'll get you hooked up" I hesitated slightly before sitting down. Thoughts of Newt and Esme flashing in my head, I was doing this for them after all.
"This is going to hurt, isn't it?" I asked as the man began attaching all sorts of things to my left arm,
"I'm afraid so" I nodded, taking a deep breath as he placed an iv into my arm, it stung a little bit, but nothing I couldn't handle. I scoffed cockily,
"Huh. That wasn't even that painful, I thought-" Bowman pressed a button and the machine came to life, that's when the pain hit me. It felt like someone was repeatedly hitting my arm with an axe, 
"Ow what the fuck?!" I shouted, taking deep breaths to help the pain. 

Thomas' POV

I crouched down next to Newt as he told me that we had to focus on Minho, not saving him. I don't know how y/n had been so calm when she came down after this, I didn't know what I would do without Newt. I stood up, reaching out my hand to help pull him up, making our way back down to the others to talk about the finalities about the plan. When we got down there, everyone was talking in a panicked manner, crowding around something on the table, one thing I did noticed, y/n wasn't here. It's fine, I convinced myself, she's probably just getting air after what happened.
"What's going on?" Newt asked as we rushed over. Everyone went silent, I don't think it was because of Newt, I honestly think everyone forgot about his outrage already. The group made a path and revealed a piece of crumpled paper on the table,
"Get Minho out of there. I'll be back soon"
I recognised the handwriting immediately, it was y/n. I looked at Newt, who was staring at the paper, an empty expression left of his face,
"Why. Why would she do this?" He mumbled, picking up the paper. I put my head in my hands taking a deep breath,
"Her bag? Is it here?" I asked, beginning to make my way back towards where she left it,
"No. She took everything with her" Gally sighed, he didn't really know y/n all that much and even he looked sad,
"Well did she say where she was going? I mean she wouldn't have just gone" I said, getting increasingly frustrated,
"Well she did!" Brenda shouted, "She just got up and left okay? She didn't leave any clues and she didn't say anything. She's gone" The room was filled with silence, nobody knew what to say. I usually found y/n's sarcastic comments ill timed but right now, one would fill the silence perfectly,
"What'd we do now?" Fry asked, making almost the whole room go silent. Newt stepped closer to the table, placing y/n's note back onto it, jabbing his fingers onto the paper,
"We get Minho back, and hope she sticks to the plan."

word count: 1226
total word count: 21, 609

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