Chapter 22.

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Chapter song: Apocalypse- Cigarettes after sex

I watched as Newt stumbled to his feet, having to be caught by Thomas to stop him tripping over. I turned around, pulling Esme to her feet,
"You okay?" I asked her, rubbing some dirt from her jacket shoulder. She nodded and I smiled. I turned back around, helping Minho up too, who looked at Gally,
"Why are you helping us Gally?" He asked, getting the boys attention, "I put a spear through your chest" Esme looked up at me, a confused expression on her face. I shrugged at her, shaking my head to tell her I didn't really know either.
"Yeah.." Gally sighed, "Nobody's perfect" He patted Minho's shoulder, walking off to begin leading us through the city. Minho stood there for a second, looking at me confused, I laughed at him before following Gally.

We were running through the streets when Gally stopped, ducking down behind some concreate,
"Shit guys wait wait" He instructed. I copied him, peaking my head over the concreate to see a row of patrol cars. A whole group of soldiers stood in front of them, completely unaware of us. Some held guns whilst some had riot shields,
"What the hell are they waiting for?" I asked to nobody in particular. Ducking back behind the walls, looking around to see if anyone had an answer: they didn't. I flinched as a huge explosion echoed through the city.
"Holy shit!" I gasped, instinctively covering Esme's head as her face lit up orange from the fire of the explosion. The soldiers were obviously distracted and didn't realise we were there so we took our chance. Gally stopped for a second, his face was covered with sadness and grief,
"We were meant to take down Wicked, not the whole damn city.." He muttered, we didn't have time though, we were literally running against a clock here,
"Gally come on" Thomas prompted as the rest of us carried on, running into a nearby shop to escape the havoc which was raining down on the streets. Gally and Minho helped Newt to the floor whilst I found a packet of tissues on the shop floor, dabbing one against Esme's head where a small trail of blood began trickling down. I glanced down at Esme, she looked terrified, and righty so. Explosions were going off left, right and centre and basically anyone who was walking was getting shot at, I wasn't even sure if we could make it out. I rubbed her shoulder, trying to support her as much as possible. I looked over the room to see Thomas taking a radio from my trouser belt, holding it up to his mouth, pressing the side button and talking into it,
"Brenda, are you there?" He asked, dropping the radio to his side in defeat when silence returned.
"Thomas? I'm here" Brenda's voice was crackling, the signal must've been pretty weak. I didn't actually know what the plan was to escape, I didn't have time to ask anyone, I was just going with it for now. I took Esme by the shoulders, directing her over to Gally and Minho who crouched around Newt. Black liquid was covering his lips and the veins were running up his neck, it almost hurt to look at.
"Hey n/n" He said, his voice raspy and out of breath.
"I just wanted to properly introduce you guys to Esme" I stepped out of the way, revealing the girl who was hiding behind me.
"Esme, this is Minho and Newt," I said, crouching down and pointing to the boys, "And that's Gally" I turned to Gally, pointing at him,
"They're the ones you told me about" She said to me and I nodded,
"You talk about me often?" Minho asked, a stupid smirk on his face,
"Please you wish" I told him, shaking my head as a small smile covered my lips,
"She did. She always went on about how you saved her" Esme chimed in, making all three boys laugh,
"Es! I told you that in confidence" I laughed, gently pushing her shoulder playfully.
"I like you, kid" Gally said, smiling as he watched her hug me,
"I'm 10. I'm not a kid." She said, reminding me of our first conversation back at Wicked,
"Yeah Gally, she's 10" Minho teased. Thomas walked over to us, clipping the radio onto his trouser belt again,
"Alright guys, Jorge's arrived with the berg, we're gonna meet them across the city. We have to move now and we can still make it" He said, mainly looking at Newt, who was still sat on the floor. I walked over to him as the others prepared to move, pulling him up and putting his arm around my shoulder,
"You gotta stay with us, Newt" I told him and he looked at me, a certain look in his eyes as if he knew what was going to happen. I couldn't believe it though, I wouldn't.  We were so close to saving him I refuse to give up yet.

We ran down the street, Minho and Thomas were holding up Newt and I was running behind, alongside Esme whilst Gally ran out front, making sure we weren't going to run straight into the crossfire. I came to a holt as the three boys began to stumble in front of me, Minho and Thomas, lay Newt down on the floor undercover, trying to catch their breath a little more.
"just... just leave me" I heard Newt said in between coughs,
"Newt we're almost there!" Thomas told him but the boy shook his head,
"Just, go without me man" He sighed in defeat, Thomas wasn't quite there yet. I watched as Thomas looked up at the boys,
"Guys. You gotta run ahead, grab the serum and get back to us as soon as you can" Minho looked down at Newt,
"He's right, I can cover" Gally agreed. I looked down at Esme, I knew I couldn't leave Thomas. I walked up to Minho, standing in front of him,
"I'll stay and help Tommy. Take Esme with you," I instructed and he nodded, walking up to Esme, holding her shoulder, 
"Minho!" I called he directed Esme over to Gally, "Keep her safe." He nodded at me before walking up to Newt,
"Thank you. Thank you, Minho" Newt managed to say, he looked so in pain and it hurt to see him like this.
"Hey, you just hang on. You hear me?" Just like Thomas and me, Minho also wasn't ready to give up yet. I watched as he ran over to Esme and Gally, Minho crouched down and Esme climbed onto his back before the two began running. I took a deep breath before turning back to Thomas and Newt,
"Come on Thomas, we gotta move" I told him, watching as a crowd of fighters began getting a little too close. 
"We're gonna try this, okay? Come on" Thomas told Newt and the two of us tried pulling Newt up. He fought against us, trying to pull something from around his neck,
"No.. no, Thomas" He mumbled,
"Newt we really have to go" I told him, trying to pull him up again,
"Look, you just gotta take this" He said, finally pulling out three small containers which were tied onto pieces of leather which he had pulled from his neck,
"We gotta get up now" Thomas pushed. Newt's crank got a hold of him again and he began shouting,
"No just take them!" He yelled, "Please Tommy, please" I had never felt so guilty in my life, I should've gone back for that cure and I knew it. The two of us froze until Thomas moved, grabbing two of the containers Newt held out,
"Please take it n/n, I'm sorry" He whispered to me, holding out yet another one. I took it, placing it in my pocket and zipping it up, trying to move on quickly,
"Okay we're gonna try this again" I told him, looking to Thomas and nodding in such a way to tell him I was ready,
"I need you to give me everything you got. The three of us, right now" We stumbled slightly when we first pulled Newt up, giving ourselves a second to get our balance. One of Newt's arms were around Thomas' shoulder, the other around mine and we began doing the only thing we could: we ran... kinda.

word count: 1357
total word count: 29, 516

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