Chapter 3.

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Chapter song: sociopath- StayLoose, Bryce Fox.

The three of us sat on a fire escape, taking small sips from my water as the other two didn't have any,
"What did you say your name was?" The brown haired boy asked me,
"I didn't," I replied shortly, placing the cap on the bottle before securing it back in my bag, taking out a granola bar and splitting it three ways, "But it's Y/n" I handed the pieces of bar to the other two, who took it, very quickly eating it,
"I'm Thomas, this is Brenda" He introduced, gesturing to the girl. I stared at her for a second, only now realising how much she reminded me of Hailey.
"You two both okay?" I asked, looking at Brenda who looked very uncomfortable. I watched as she pulled up her trouser leg, revealing a bite mark,
"Shit.." Thomas muttered as I pulled a bandage from my bag,
"Guess we should hurry up on finding that safe haven huh" Brenda joked, trying to make light of the situation,
"You guys are heading to the safe haven?" I asked, securing the bandage with some tape before pulling her trouser leg back down,
"That's the plan" Thomas said, giving me and Brenda a hand up as we made our way down the fire escape, back onto the street.

"Hey just uh.. try to blend in okay?" Brenda said, mainly aiming it at Thomas, who looked completely lost. This is the most built up area I had seen since I left the group in my first city. I didn't know Thomas' story, but by the bewilderment on his face upon the town we found ourselves in, something didn't quite make sense, it was like this entire thing was new to him, I mean you should've seen his face when the cranks were coming from the wall, he just froze, completely and totally froze.
"Are you sure this is the place?" Thomas asked as we approached a bouncer looking guy, loud music boomed from inside the building he stood outside, I'm with Thomas on this one, this looks sketchy as hell,
"You here for the party?" The man asked with a deep, gravelly voice, crossing his arms as he looked down on us,
"No. We're looking for Marcus" Brenda said, unusually calm, perhaps she was just trying to keep her cool, "This is his place isn't it?" She asked, nodding towards the building ahead of us.
"This is my place" Another man told us, stepping forward. He had stubby blonde hair and a weirdly round face. He wore a fat gold chain which laid upon a red velvet jacket. His eyes were lined with blank eyeliner and a sly smile appeared on his face as he watched the three of us, it made me uncomfortable.
"Are you Marcus?" I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence we found ourselves in,
"Marcus... doesn't live here anymore" He said, his voice worryingly calm,
"Well where can we find him?" Thomas asked, obviously getting impatient. He had mentioned they had gotten lost from their friends so I figured he just wanted to find them again,
"I don't trust him Brenda" I whispered, the girl looking back,
"Neither do I.."
"I'll wait out here in case your friends pass by. That way if you two are too long and anything happens, I can get help" I suggested, keeping my voice low so only the girl next to me could hear. She paused for a second before nodding, letting me know to go ahead with my idea.
"Has anyone else been by? Looking for him? They're around our age.. They had a girl with them, dark hair? Asian guy? Quite well built? A blonde guy, pretty strong British accent?" Thomas asked, I figured these were his friends, which would make it so much easier for me to spot them,
"You know, I think they're inside. Here, drink this" The man said, grabbing a tray with three shots of liquid on it,
"What is it?" Thomas asked, clearly suspicious,
"The price of admission.. drink it" He pushed. Brenda didn't hesitate, whether she was stupid or actually trusted me I'm not sure, I just had to hope that if anything happened to them, I would be able to help. Thomas downed his a few seconds after and the man turned to me,
"Your turn" He said, smiling at me weirdly,
"I'm good, I'm gonna just wait out here" I said, intentionally leaving a hint of sarc in my voice,
"Very well.. you two, enjoy the party" The man said, pushing them through the door, disappearing into the party behind them.

I sat down, questioning what I should do next. Sure, these people left me out here in case they needed help but they definitely shouldn't have. When I left my group, I made a small set of rules, and I stick to it.
Rule 1: Never completely trust anyone, not matter who they are.
Rule 2: Don't get attached, they become points of weakness. The only people I have broken this rule for is Hailey and my brother, and I want to keep it this way.
Rule 3: Always carry a weapon
Rule 4: Don't try to be the hero.
Rule 5: Always know your way out.
I had been sat on the steps outside for a little while when I saw Thomas' friends. Well, I actually heard them first. The accent gave it away and before I knew it, the group of six people came walking around the corner, in my field of view. Surely enough, the three Thomas described were among them, I stood up quickly, making my way towards them, I was almost certain something was up by now,

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