Chapter 25.

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Chapter song: wash.- Bon Iver

Me and Minho had spent another hour or so on the beach, just talking. He was laying back against a palm tree whilst I lay with my head on his chest, wearing his jacket to stay warm. I would've given it back to him so he didn't freeze but he simply told me 'I'm too good looking to be cold. Someone as hot as me is always warm'. I had been pointing out to all the planets we could see and constellations, I couldn't see his face to know if he was interested, but he was listening none the less.

"We should go back right?" I asked, sitting myself up as I look at the watch on his wrist, it was getting pretty late.
"Sure, we can go get food anyway, you must be starving" He jumped up, pulling me to my feet. I went to let go of his hand to walk off but he didn't let me, flashing a smile as we held hands, walking back up towards the others.
"Y/n!" I heard Esme shouting. I looked up, she was sat next to Gally and Thomas, eating soup from a bowl besides a fire,
"Hey Es" I said, hugging her as she ran over with my free hand,
"You have to try this soup! It's tomato, Frypan made it" She explained excitedly, running back to her seat. As we approached the others, I could see a stupid smirk on Thomas' face, I shook my head at him as we found a spot, sitting down next to each other.
"Stay here, I'll go get us some" Minho said, smiling at me before turning around, walking over to Fry. The others were a little ways away and I didn't try to talk, I just watched the fire in the middle, ash bouncing from it as it crackled. I was still pretty cold though, so I wasn't complaining.

Minho came back, holding two bowls both filled with soup and a couple small pieces of bread. Setting them down, he sat back next to me, beginning to eat his soup. I still somehow didn't feel hungry but I tried anyway, taking a couple spoonful's before setting my bowl down, resting my head on Minho's shoulder,
"You're done?" He asked, staring at the half full bowl in front of me. I nodded as he handed me the bread,
"At least eat that, yeah?" He asked. I stared at it for a second before biting into it. It tasted amazing and was still warm, it must've just been baked. I watched as Minho placed his bowl down, gently kissing the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around me,
"You sure you're okay?" He asked and I nodded,
"Yeah.." I whispered, shivering slightly because of the temperature. Minho went to take my hand, pulling back slightly as they first made contact,
"How are you hands so shucking cold?" He asked, making me giggle. I sat up, turning around, placing my hand on his cheek, making him jump up,
"No no no, get your freaky cold hands away from me!" He yelled, running away from me. I didn't hesitate to follow, getting down the rows of seats quicker than he did, parkouring my way down. I reached him at the bottom, tackling him to the floor,
"Too slow" I teased, playfully placing one of my feet on his chest as he lay on the floor defeated.
"Alright everyone, let's wrap this up for the night!" I heard Vince yell. Everyone began tidying up on command, packing up and getting ready for bed. I walked up to Esme, who was lighting a lantern next to a couple of sleeping bags and hammocks which were slightly more out the way than the others.
"Hey Es, what're you doing?" I asked, 
"I'm just preparing our beds, I do it most nights for the boys" She explained, laying blankets out on each bed. Some were on the floor and others were hammocks,
"The boys? Who sleeps here?" I asked looked around, counting 5 beds.
"Oh I'll give you the tour!" She excitedly said, jumping up from the floor, "Okay this is mine," She started, pointing to a bed on the floor, an extra blanket on it, "And yours is right next to me" She continued, showing me to a hammock which hung above Esme's bed. My pictures of Eric and Hailey were nailed onto a post holding up the roof next to my bed, making me smile. "And finally, this is Minho's, Gally's and Thomas'," She pointed at two more hammocks and another bed on the floor, "Minho is stuck on the floor with me because the other two shotgunned these two" She smiled. It hit me suddenly that I still had no idea how long I was gone,
"hey Es," I asked, making the girl look up, "How long was I out for" She looked down, sighing,
"Three weeks. I missed you" She told me, sitting next to me on the edge of the hammock, "By the looks of it, Minho missed you a lot too" She said, a smirk on her face,
"Shut up" I laughed, nudging her playfully, "Isn't it your bedtime or something?" I continued joking, until I watched her yawn,
"I am actually.. very tired" I watched as she jumped off my hammock, crawling into the bed beneath me, 
"Sleep well, okay?" I told her, laying down in my own hammock as the boys came over.
I sighed as the boys continued to talk pretty loudly. glancing down at Esme, I looked at her, wide awake.
"If you three don't shut the hell up and let Es sleep, I will kidnap each of you and slowly and very painfully murder you in your sleep" I said, trying not to laugh. The three boys froze, looking at me before back at each other, quietening down and climbing into their own beds.

I had been laying there for hours with no luck. The only thing running through my head were the screams of Newt and Esme and the look in Newt's eye as he pulled the trigger. I clenched my eyes tightly, sighing as I stood up, being careful not to stand on Esme as I did. I grabbed Minho's jacket, placing it around my shoulders as I grabbed the lantern Esme had lit earlier, leading myself down towards the beach, taking a seat by a log, listening to the calming sound of the waves crashing along the sea. I looked up to once again see Minho, standing at the edge of the beach, looking down at me,
"Are you stalking me? Absolute weirdo" I smiled, patting the sand next to me. He walked over sitting down as I rested my head on his chest,
"Just wanted to make sure my girlfriend was okay" He said, holding my hand, gently rubbing the back of it with his thumb. I smiled at the label,
"Well your girlfriend has already said she's fine" I told him, shaking my head,
"You don't have to lie to me" He said, making me sit up, looking him in the eyes,
"I'm not lying!" I said, beginning to raise my voice, trying not to wake anyone. He looked almost sad, placing a hand on my should,
"N/n, you were shot by your best friend. You almost died! I think I would call you crazy if there was actually nothing wrong. Just talk to me" I looked at him, sighing as I placed my head back on his shoulder,
"I just can't get his screams out of my head." I admitted. I heard Minho take a slight breath of relief, almost like he was glad I finally opened up,
"You did the right thing, you know that, right? If you had gone back, you would've died" He told me. Even though I had been telling myself that over and over since I woke up, it felt comforting to hear it from someone else. I looked up as I heard Minho yawning,
"Go to sleep you absolute idiot" I laughed, looking at the boy, who was clearly extremely tired.
"Are you gonna come with me?" He asked. It was nice to see this side of him. Around the others he's sassy and sarcastic, it was nice to see the caring side of him too. I stood up, holding out my hand to pull the boy up. I watched as he lay down back in his bed,
"Minho.." I whispered and he turned around to look at me, "Can I.. sleep with you?" I asked. He smiled at me opening his arms for my to climb in. I did just that, feeling instant comfort as I lay there, his arms wrapped around my waist, gently holding my hand. I smiled to myself as I could finally feel myself slipping into a somewhat peaceful sleep.

word count: 1445
total word count: 33, 992

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