Chapter 23.

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Chapter song: The wisp sings- Winter aid

We were trying to avoid the busier streets, we were no use if we were dead. I winced as we stumbled into a quiet area, a single light dimly lit the area. I looked down to see Newt, passed out. I rushed down, kneeling down next to him,
"Hey Newt come on, don't give up on me yet" I whispered, gently slapping his cheek trying to get  a reaction. I stopped for a second as I heard Teresa voice ring out on the intercom,
"What the.."
"Thomas." She said. I looked up at Thomas, who wasn't focused on Newt. I didn't care for what Teresa had to say, I continued trying to wake Newt, get a reaction, "Can you hear me, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to come back," I could feel a lump forming in my throat as time passed with no reaction, 
"Come on Newt wake up god damnit!" I yelled,
"Thomas, you can save Newt, just like y/n can. There's still time for him." I could feel myself beginning to loose hope, to break down,
"Thomas help me.. please" I whispered, trying to pull Newt up but falling, scraping my hands on the rough floor, Thomas was still stood there, staring at the speaker,
"There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore. It's in your blood. She isn't sick because you cured her, she doesn't have to be the only one. Just come back to me" I was crying now, holding Newt tightly, just trying to wake him up,
"Help me god damnit!" I yelled. I had never shouted this loud before. I stood up, leaving Newt on the concreate, approaching Thomas, "Why won't you just help me!" I continued to yell. I watched as Thomas' face dropped,
"Newt?" He asked. I turned around to see Newt standing up. My heart sank as he turned around, his eyes were black and the veins were covering his face. I jumped out the way as he leaped towards us, hitting Thomas onto the floor,
"Newt it's me, it's me!" Thomas begged, not wanting to hurt Newt as he tried biting and scratching Thomas. I ran over, pulling Newt off him, making him roll onto the floor.
"N/n, kill me!" He yelled as I fought against him, just trying to keep him away from the two of us. I glanced at Thomas who was next to me, also trying to keep Newt at arms reach, dodging him as he attacked. I took a shaky breath, Newt was trying to fight the virus and I could see it, every now and then a glimpse of the Newt I know flashed in front of us, just to be replaced by the crank once more. He ran at me, pushing me onto the floor,
"I'm here Newt, it's me" I whispered, pushing myself to my feet as Thomas grabbed Newt off me. I watched as the two boys fell to the floor, Newt grabbed Thomas' knife, digging it an inch or so into his chest, making Thomas cry out. He swatted the knife away, taking a breath as Newt was unarmed,
"I'm sorry, Tommy" I heard Newt say as he reached for the pistol in his holster, holding it up against his head,
"No!" I yelled, running towards the two. I gasped as I heard a bullet, looking up in relief to see that Thomas had pushed the gun away just as he pulled the trigger. 

I stood there in shock, pulling back my jacket to reveal a pool of blood, coming from my chest. He had shot me. I looked down at my hands as they were shaking, bright red blood covering it,
"Y/n?" Thomas asked, standing up, pushing Newt off him. I felt myself collapse to the floor, my breathing was becoming raggedy and weak,
"NO! No I'm sorry, I'm sorry n/n I-..." I could hear Newt screaming, he must've fought back again for a second before screeching, fighting Thomas with yet another who was just pushing him back. I felt so defenceless, laying on the floor propped up by my arm as I bled out. My eyesight became foggy and it as hard to hear, I let myself lay down, looking straight up.
"Newt." I heard Thomas whisper, his voice sounded broken and defeated. I managed to turn my head to see Brenda, Gally, Fry, Minho and Esme run around the corner. A single tear began running down my cheek as I tried to fight the urge to close my eyes,
"NO!" I heard Esme scream. I looked at her, being held back by Gally as Minho ran over to me, kneeling down, looking completely lost.
"It's okay, it's okay.." I muttered as tears brimmed his eyes. I reached my hand up, placing it on his, "You just.. you just have to save Newt.." I took one last shaky breath before giving up. I felt my hand drop from Minho's landing on the cold floor before I passed out. Falling into a black, empty void.

Minho's POV

I had never ran so fast in my life. I watched as Brenda took the lead, serum in hand. I followed behind, making sure Esme didn't get left behind. She should've stayed at the berg but she insisted on coming, even though she is only 10, she can be quite persuasive. The first thing I saw when we turned the corner was Thomas, walking away from Newt's dead body, a knife stuck in his chest. That's when I saw her, I watched as Esme screamed out,
"NO!" She yelled, running towards another body, not dead but barely alive. My heart dropping to my stomach as I stared at her, y/n. Gally grabbed onto Esme, holding her tightly as tears streamed down her face. I slowly walked over to her, kneeling down next to her, putting on of my shaking hands over my mouth.
"Its's okay... it's okay.." She whispered, her voice was breaking and wobbly, it sounded like it hurt to talk. She reached up, placing her hand on mine, I could feel the blood on her fingertips but I didn't care. 
"Hey.. hey you gotta keep your eyes open," I said as she began to loose consciousness, "You have to stay with me" I could feel a tear slipping down my cheek as her hand fell to the floor. I grabbed it, "N/n? Hey! No come on.." She was out. I turned her wrist around trying to find a pulse. I felt a presence next to me, it was Fry.
"Is she.. gone?" He asked, hesitating before asking. I sighed a breath of relief when I felt a shallow heart beat.
"No.. no she's alive" I muttered, picking her up in my arms. I took one last look at Newt, an emptiness filling my body as I turned around, running back to the berg.

I reached the berg before everyone else, I had never ran that fast before, not even in the maze.
"Hey! Help me!" Help!" I yelled as I ran up, laying her down in the back of the berg,
"What the hell happened?" Vince asked as him and Jorge began applying pressure to her wound,
"What does it look like, she was shot!" I yelled. I watched as Vince stared at me, "I- I'm sorry. She was like that when we got there" I turned around to see the others arriving. Fry carrying who I can only assume was Newt, a jacket covering his face. He walked to the back of the berg, covering him completely with tarpaulin. I walked over to Esme, who was still being held back by Gally, trying to fight him,
"Let me go, please.." She begged. I nodded at Gally who let her go, she ran towards y/n, crouching down next to her, trying to hug her. I pulled her back so Vince could do his work,
"Esme, it's okay. She's going to be fine" I told her, looking her in the eyes as she pulled up her sleeve, wiping the tears on her face.
"Where's Thomas?" Jorge asked, approaching the group of us who still stood outside the berg, just trying to accept what had happened in the last hour.
"I don't know. He went in the direction of the HQ so I assume he went back for Teresa" Brenda told us as we loaded onto the berg, "We're not leaving him behind, right?" Brenda asked, following Jorge up to the driver's seat, 
"Oh no, we'll find him in the sky, okay?"

I crouched next to y/n and Esme as the others tried grabbing Thomas. He was clearly hurt and couldn't properly jump into the back but the building was too hot for us to get close.
"You gotta get closer!" Gally shouted at Jorge, who backed up a tiny bit more. I watched through the small crowd of people as Thomas tried jumping again, this time landing on the edge of the berg, being pulled up by Vince and Brenda. I watched as the building he was on seconds before collapsed, bringing Teresa down with it. I felt bad for Thomas but a slight feeling of relief washed over me, was it actually over. Vince pulled Thomas around, revealing a bullet wound in his lower stomach. Everyone rushed to his side like they did with y/n, pressing bandages down on his wound to stop the bleeding as he fell out of consciousness, laying limp on the berg floor.

I took a deep breath as I looked around. Esme was asleep, her head lay on my lap. I didn't want to move to risk waking her up, we looked completely exhausted. I looked around at the three bodies which lay on the berg floor. We weren't even sure if Tommy or n/n would wake up, all we could do is hope. I'm not too sure how long we had been flying for but I knew it was hours, I wish I could sleep or something to pass time but no matter how hard I tired, I couldn't, there was just too much going on in my head.

word count: 1656
total word count: 31, 172

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