Chapter 14.

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Chapter song: Something in the orange- Zach Bryan

I nervously walked up the metal stairs, towards the roof where I'm pretty sure Newt also went. I was a little scared about which Newt was going to be up here, I just hope he had enough time to cool down by now. Placing my hand on the cool door handle, I paused for a second before taking a deep breath, pushing the handle down and walking through the door frame. The cool breeze of the evening wind greeted me as I walked out and I was mesmerised by  the huge walls which stood in front of the building I was on. The sky was a beautiful orange and red colour from the sunset, it was the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen in my life. I turned to my left to see newt, stood precariously on the edge of the roof,
"Newt?" I asked, freezing where I stood. The boy slowly turned, tears brimming his eyes, the look of guilt and sorrow covering his face, "Why don't you just step back mate" I whispered gently, taking a couple steps forward. He didn't step back, instead, I watched as the boy turned back around, sitting down on the ledge, hanging his legs over the side. I let out a small sigh of relief as I began to approach him, sitting down next to him, throwing my legs over, letting them sway in the breeze.

Neither of us said anything for a good few minutes. I was hoping he would say something but as I looked over at him, he looked like he was too busy holding back tears to start a conversation.
"It's on your arm... isn't it?" I asked, making the boy finally turn to look at me. He looked down before sighing, pulling his jacket sleeve up to reveal thick black veins, running all along his forearm.
"Does it hurt?" I asked him as he pulled the sleeve back down, trying to hide it again,
"Not too much" He muttered, keeping his voice low.
"You know you can't blame yourself. For getting angry and all that" I assured him. I knew what the flare did to people, it made them into different people, into monsters I suppose.
"I shouldn't have shouted at him though. I don't want him to see me as some sort of angry dick" He admitted. I sighed, placing my hand on his shoulder,
"Newt listen to me okay? A week before my parents died, the flare started to take a toll. One day, they got so angry, they shouted at me and told me how everyhting that happened was my fault, that they were to die because of me. None of that mattered though because I knew that deep down, that wasn't my parents talking to me. I saw through the rage and remembered them as caring, resilient parents and I know Tommy will do the same with you"
"You think so?" He asked, fidgeting with his hands as they began to shake,
"Of course Newt, I mean how couldn't he. Look, you need each other, now more than ever; don't let him go" I began to stand up, but I felt Newt grab me, pulling himself to his feet,
"Where are you going?" He asked. He almost looked panicked, like he didn't want to be left alone,
"I'm going to get Thomas. You have to tell him Newt, I think you already know that" I told him. Newt stopped for a second before pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, holding him tightly for a second before letting go. Smiling slightly at the boy, I turned on my heels making my way back through the door and down the stairs.

When I walked back into the room the others still sat in, I could feel the tension immediately. It was so thick I could've probably taken my knife out and cut it. Nobody spoke when I entered but I could feel everybody's eyes on me. I nodded at Thomas and he got up, rushing towards the door I had just come out of, meanwhile, I sat down in the chair Thomas was previously in. I rubbed my hands on my face, taking in a deep breath before finally facing the stares I was getting from the others,
"He's gonna be okay. I think he just needs another minute" I told them, and I could've sworn I heard about three different people sigh a breath of relief. Looking around the room I slammed my hand down on the desk, making a few people jump. Picking up my gun I rushed out, heading back into the 'flower room' from before, grabbing my bag from the side before making my way out, not stopping to explain where I was going. I sat my bag down on the floor, taking my pen and a crumbling up piece of paper, scribbling out the words:
"Get Minho out of there. I'll be back soon"
 I pulled the cover from the manhole, dropping the ladder in before setting the paper on a table nearby. I didn't hesitate to drop myself down the ladder, water splashing up my cargo trousers as I landed. I paused at the second, shaking the nerves off myself before trying to walk, being held back by some grabbing me,
"And where are you going?" I spun around to see Gally, stood arms crossed at the bottom of the ladder. He walked around me so he was stood in front of me, blocking my path,
"I saw your note, what's that all about?" He asked, pushing the paper into me. I grabbed onto it,
"I don't have time for this Gally, get out of my way" I shoved the paper back onto his hand, trying to push past him but he stopped me,
"No. I can't let you go" I dismissed, putting his hand out, physically stopping me from moving,
"Do you want a matching black eye? Move!" I yelled but he simply shook his head,
"Look, back in the maze, I let Eric leave, and now he's dead. I'm not letting you die too"
"Gally that's rather touching and all but I have no choice okay? I can save Newt, but only if you let me" I saw the facial expressions shift on his face when I said that,
"What do I tell them?" He whispered, looking down at me,
"Nothing. They don't have to know you saw me. Just give them the note" Gally sighed once more, I'm not sure why because its not like there was much to consider, I was leaving one way or another. I watched as he moved to the side in defeat, letting me go. I shot him a quick smile before running, running as fast as I could down the sewer, not even caring if I stood in the water this time.
"Don't die!" Gally shouted behind me, almost making me fall flat on my face. If anyone could do this, it was me. They were planning on kidnapping Teresa tomorrow night and then breaking into the building the day after. That gives us plenty time to find a cure... right?

word count: 1172
total word count: 19, 127

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