Chapter 21.

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Chapter song: Dream on- Aerosmith

I couldn't believe how safe I felt. Yeah sure I was in the middle of a building, surrounded by soldiers who were probably told shoot to kill on us, but as I stood there, in Minho's arms, I had never felt that safe.
"I hate to break it up but guys, we gotta go" Thomas said and him and Newt began leading us in a new direction. I took Esme's shoulder, directing her in the same way with Minho close behind.
"I got 'em!" I heard another soldier shout and as I turned a corner to meet Newt and Thomas, I saw Janson with a literal army blocking the way.
"In here!" Thomas shouted, pulling open a nearby door and running in. I pushed Esme before me, stumbling in behind everyone else, slamming the door behind me and flicking the lock. Nobody moved or said anything for a couple seconds and an extremely eerie silence filled the room. Minho spoke up first, tapping Newt's shoulder,
"Newt, come on" He said. walking towards a cabinet. I watched as Thomas walked to the window and the two boys began moving the cabinet, pushing it up against the door. I turned around to face Esme, looking in shock as I saw tears brimming her eyes. I crouched down, placing a hand on her shoulder and when she spoke, her voice was all high pitched and broken,
"I- I don't wanna die... are they gonna kill me?" She stuttered.  I looked up at Newt and the Minho, who were looking down at her sadly. She was just a kid.
"No. No Es listen, as long as I'm here, nobody can hurt you, okay?" I placed my hand on her cheek, wiping the tears which were trickling down her face away with my thumb,
"Do you promise?" She asked, staring into my eyes. I paused for a second, realistically, this wasn't the sort of thing I could promise, but I couldn't let her know that,
"Pinky" I smiled, holding out my little finger. She smiled back, linking hers around mine, chuckling slight as she did. I pulled her into a quick hug before standing up, taking Esme's hand in mine,
"Any ideas?" Newt asked and the room fell silent. I hadn't even thought about our escape plan. Thomas turned around from the window he was facing, his voice sounded worried yet he somehow spoke with confidence,

I squeezed Esme's hand as the boys threw the canister out the window, smashing it into hundreds of pieces.
"Okay, it's doable" Thomas stated as they stepped back. I took a small shuffle forward, looking over the edge,
"Doesn't look very doable" I added and all four of them gave me weird looks,
"No we just... need a little running start" I spun around on my hells as a sawing noise came from behind us. Yellow sparks began flying off the lock, they were breaking through.
"Shit.." I mumbled, taking in a deep breath,
"I don't think I can do this.." I heard Esme whisper besides me. I looked down fighting every ounce of pessimist inside me,
"No we can alright? We'll do it together" I squeezed her hand as we lined up, preparing to jump.
"You sure about this?" Minho asked, looking at Thomas, who stood beside him,
"Not really" The boy admitted. I took a deep breath, now wasn't the time for him to say that.,
"If this drop doesn't kill us Thomas, I think I might" I said, looking over at him who just shook his head,
"Yeah nice pep talk" Minho added,
"We're all bloody inspired." Newt also added. Nobody had time to react because suddenly the door flew open. I looked back to see a whole ass army waiting for us, Janson at the front,
"Oh shit go, go!" I yelled, pulling Esme towards the jump. I leaped out, letting go of the girls hand in mid air,
"Thomas!" I heard someone yell on the way down, I couldn't quite pinpoint who because I hit the water a second later. My hands stung upon impact but I swam to the top, waiting nervously to see everyone else submerge, swimming where we were for a second,
"WHOO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as Thomas flipped off Janson, who could be seen stood at the top of the building where we just jumped.
"Minho you okay?" Newt asked as we began climbing out the pool,
"Yeah" He mumbled, I pulled myself out, putting my hand out to drag Esme up,
"I knew you could do it" I smiled, rubbing the top of her head. She smiled, laughing as she brushed it away,
"You three, don't move" Of course there had to be another five soldiers waiting for us at the bottom. I really don't think we had a way out this time.
"You've gotta be kidding me" Minho groaned. He wasn't the only one thinking that, just the only one saying it. Thomas slowly tried reaching for his pistol but one of the saw him,
"Uh- uh- uh! Don't even think about it" The group began closing in on us and there was literally no way out. I glanced down at Esme, who looked just as terrified as I felt.
"Get on your knees with your hands in the air" I hesitated, we couldn't just give up, not after everything. I gasped out loud as one soldier turned to the other four, shooting them all once with the electric gun. The men fell to the floor and the last soldier jumped down the curb to our level, pulling his mask away from his face. Gally stood in front of us and I let out a sigh of relief,
"you son of a bitch" I chuckled, laughing as I shook my head, sending a quick reassuring smile to Esme.
"Gally?" Minho asked. I suddenly remember that Minho had missed out of that information, I guess he still thought he had killed Gally.
"Minho," He said, nodding at him before turning to me, "Y/n. It's good to see you" He nodded,
"You did say don't die, wouldda been rude if I did really" I laughed, patting his shoulder as he approached us.
"You guys are nuts" He informed us, looking up at the shattered window above us. The group began walking off but I didn't, I stopped, looking behind me over at the building,
"You guys carry on, there's something I gotta do" I told them. Everyone stopped, looking at me like I was crazy,
"Are you kidding me? Y/n if you go back now they'll kill you" Newt said, gesturing angrily towards the building, approaching me. I took his arm, walking away from the others,
"Newt you don't understand. I found a cure okay? I can cure you but I need to get back in that building okay?" I watched Newt shake his head, pulling me back as I tried to leave,
"I can't let you go, they'll kill you, n/n" I looked up at him, I knew there were tears brimming my eyes but I couldn't control it,
"I'd rather die trying to save you than live knowing I did nothing" Newt turned around, looking over at Esme, I followed his gaze before turning back to him,
"Look I don't really know who she is or how you met, but I do know that she needs you okay? Now more than ever" I didn't know what to do in this situation. I wanted to head straight back into that building and finish what I started but a tiny portion of my mind was listening to Newt,
"And I need you." I had never felt so helpless, so out of control. I knew he was right, whether I was the cure or not, after everyhting I've done, I was dead.
"Brenda has serum waiting outside the city. If we go now well make it back. We can work on a cure once we're in the safe haven. I'll be okay, I promise." I sighed in frustration, walking slightly away from Newt, placing my head in my hands before slamming my fist into a nearby wall. I stood still a second, I could see Newt out the corner of my eye, looking guilty and sad. I took in a few deep breaths, walking back to him,
"You're right. I'm sorry" I whispered, walking back over to the group, Newt following behind me,
"You guys okay?" Gally asked as we approached. I didn't reply, instead I crouched down, hugging Esme tightly, placing my head on her shoulder,
"Let's get the hell out of here" I said, standing up, placing a hand on Esme's shoulder,
"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked as we hid behind some small concreate walls, hiding from oncoming patrol cars. Minho looked awfully confused, I guess he still has no idea how we actually got inside in the first place.
"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here. We can make it" Gally said, looking at Newt as he began coughing, leaning back on the wall. I watched as Minho made his way to Newt, placing his hand on his shoulder,
"Newt, how you feeling?" He asked. I didn't want to hear the answer, it was just going to make me want to turn back even more. I pulled my hands up over my ears, looking down at the ground until Minho came back over towards us.
"How long has he been like this?" He asked, gesturing back to Newt, who was coughing again.
"He'll be okay. We just gotta get to Brenda, she's got the serum" I looked back at Newt, replaying Thomas' optimistic words in my mind. He was going to be okay. He was going to make it.

word count: 1575
total word count: 28, 159

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