Chapter 24.

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Chapter song: Someone to stay- Vancouver sleep clinic

Y/n's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes, a sharp pain running from my chest through to my shoulder. I looked down, bandages littering my body, mainly my chest and left wrist from what I could see. I finally looked around the place I was in, it looked like a little hut, a variety of herb filled jars scattered on some shelves. I stood up, wincing as I did, I don't really know how long I was out but it must've been a while considering how much my legs hurt to stand. I pulled back to cotton curtain which also acted as a door, almost smiling as I saw where I stood. I was at the safe haven. Palm trees were scattered in my view and a flock of birds flew overhead, I hadn't seen anything like it for years. I looked out to the sea, coral reefs gave it a beautiful blue colour and from where I stood, I could see fishing boats a little further out.

I hesitantly walked out, looking up to see tents covering the golden beach, beds and hammocks all crowded into a specific area. I could hear chatter in the distance so I started walking, just wanting to see a familiar face. A couple random people were staring at me as I walked down a small path, looking in awe at the farms which were already built. I continued walking, only stopping when I saw them. Everyone. Minho, Esme, Gally, Brenda, Thomas, Jorge and Fry. All sat down, eating some food I assumed Fry had made, Newt had told me about his cooking. Gally saw me first, standing up as he smiled at me, alerting the others. Esme clocked me next, jumping from her seat next to Minho, sprinting over to me, jumping into my arms. I hugged her tightly, laughing as I did.
"Hey Es" I said, finally breaking the hug, looking at the girl who stood in front of me,
"I knew you'd make it" She told me and I hugged her again, looking over her shoulder to see the others staring at us, most of them smiling apart from Minho. He stood in front of the others, a shocked sort of expression on his face. I pulled away from Es, slowly approaching him,
"You scared the shit out of me" He muttered through a smile,
"Yeah it's what I was going for" I smiled up at him for a second before he encased me with a hug, holding me tighter than ever. I didn't hesitate to hug him back, taking a deep breath as he held me.
"It's good to see you back, Hermana" Jorge said as I pulled away, looking over the others as Minho held his arm around me shoulder, keeping me close. Thomas approached me, standing in front of me for a second, just staring at me,
"I tried to save him, I'm sorry" He said and I looked up at him, sadness overwhelming me as I remembered the fight,
"So did I" I whispered before going to hug Thomas. This one was shorter but still meaningful. He pulled back, pulling the container that Newt gave me from his pocket, holding it out in his hand,
"I figured I'd keep it safe for you" I stared at it, a lump forming in my throat as I could basically hear Newt's screams after he shot me.
"Thanks.." I mumbled, taking it, placing it in my trouser pocket, sniffling as I did but smiling anyway, hiding the pain.

I stood in front of the rock, knife in hand. I stared at all the names, especially the ones I knew. Carefully, I placed the knife to the rock in a space under Newt's name, carving 'Hailey' into it before doing 'Eric' just under. I stepped back, smiling as a tear slipped down my cheek,
"They'd be proud of you" I heard Minho say from behind me, I pulled my sleeved to my cheek, wiping the tear away,
"Yeah well, I just wish they could've seen it all" I said, gesturing to the whole safe haven as we began walking towards the sea. I looked up at Minho as we walked as the two of us fell silent, he was already looking at me,
"What happened? You know, on that day" Minho asked me as we reached a small little beach. I didn't look at the boy, I thought I would break down, instead, I just looked out to sea, admiring the view,
"It wasn't Newt's fault. He was trying to... shoot himself and Thomas pushed the barrel out the way, it ended up hitting me instead" I explained, examining the container which I pulled from my pocket, twisted it in my hands.
"I'll give you a minute" Minho said, turning around as he saw me opening the container and walking back towards the others, leaving me alone on the beach. 

Unscrewing the lid to the container, I pulled out a small scroll of paper. It was slightly ripped and the writing was a little scruffy. I held it out in front of me, taking a deep breath as I read the first line, "Dear y/n," It was a letter. I ran a hand through my hair, sighing before holding the letter in front of me, reading it,

"Dear y/n,

If you're reading this letter, I would like to think that the plan worked and you're at the safe haven. I know I've only known you for a year or so, but for what its worth, you're one of the best people I've met. I want you to know that I'm not scared of dying. I'm still not quite sure why you left and where you went, but I just hope I get to see you again, I know my time is running out.

You're not a bad person n/n, even though you sometimes feel like it. You need to learn how to move on from the past instead of dwell on what you 'should've done differently, you can't save everyone. I know if Eric and Hailey could see how far you've come, they would be so proud of you, as am I.

   Thank you for being my friend,
                          I love you mate, Newt."

I wanted to cry, just to break down and cry. I should've gone back. I should've gotten him a cure and saved him. But I didn't. I rolled up the letter, placing it back in the container, tying the leather around my neck, sitting and watching the waves ripple along the water.

I had been sat here for hours, not wanting to move, not wanting to talk to anyone. The sun had set by now and it was starting to get a little colder, but I didn't move, it wasn't necessary. I didn't turn around when I heard footsteps approaching me, I pulled my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around the for warmth. I felt a jacket being placed around my shoulders, followed by Minho, taking a seat next to me. Neither one of us said anything at first, he placed his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder, comforted by the silence,
"I brought you some food" Minho said, holding out a small sandwich on a plate,
"I'm not hungry.." I muttered. He sighed, placing the plate down next to me, putting his arms around me to hug me,
"I could've saved him, Minho" I whispered, feeling tears threatening to fall. I didn't fight it though, I just let it happen,
"What are you talking about?" He asked, looking me in the eyes,
"Newt. I could've cured him but he... he told me not to" I could feel a tear slipping down my face as I thought of that conversation. Minho took a deep breath, cupping my face with his hand, wiping the tear gently with his thumb. I watched in confusion as he moved closer to me, gently placing his lips on top of mine, kissing me gently. I sat there for a second, pulling away, looking at him with a shock expression. He looked worried until I smiled, pulling him back towards me, kissing him back. It lasted a few seconds and when we pulled back, I could feel a smile creeping onto my lips as he hugged me again. I placed my head on his chest, just sitting there for a minute, taking everything in.

word count: 1375
total word count: 32, 547

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