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"Ugh, it's spring break and you're going to bring that?"

Brooklyn remarks. I roll my eyes and pick up my violin. "It's not that. It's a violin. If I want to major in music, I need to practice everyday." I say, weaving through the silent hallways of my school.

Brooklyn, my older sister, came to pick me up from school. Today, spring break begins and everybody pretty much already left. Brooklyn already had spring break but grandma made her pick me up. "Well, miss music, you going to get nowhere in life with that." My sister says as she blows a big bubble and pops it. I glance at her.

Yeah, I think she's going to get nowhere in live. Brooklyn's black hair is up in a messy bun. She has two piercings in each ear and has a bar on the right one. She doesn't wear glasses anymore because she claims it ruins her vibe in college.

Her navy blue crop top matches with her black ripped jeans and blue Toms. Brooklyn doesn't even glance forward anymore because her eyes are always glued to her phone screen. Yup, totally, I'm the one who didn't apply for five different colleges and don't have straight A's in all my classes. Yeah, I'm not the one who has my life sorted out, I think sarcastically.

Brooklyn at some point in her senior year in high school started not caring all of a sudden, getting high with shots or with weed or with-who-knows-what. She has like five boyfriends and every single one of them has gone into our house. Not that I'm complaining, they are good to look at.

But I'm the total opposite. I have short messy curly amber hair that comes a little below my jaw. I always get tans and Brooklyn is just pale. I have hazel eyes and my sister... well she has green eyes. I'm slim but Brooklyn has more breast and curves than me, but I don't really care about that.

We exit the school and make it out in the sunny parking lot. "You know, you should wear more crop tops, to show your stomach. It makes the boys go all over you." Brooklyn says, finally glancing up from her phone. Slut, I think to myself.

"No...I'll stick with regular tank tops." I say. When we reach the blue Honda I notice there's a head behind the steering wheel. "Really? You brought your boyfriend? How long have you been—"

"Three weeks." Brooklyn answers and gets in the passenger's seat. I groan and put my violin case in the trunk. I'm always the third wheel. I wanted to drive today but I guess not. They always have this loove conversations but I noticed Brooklyn says the same thing to every one of her boyfriends.

As I slink into the back seat the guy turns to see me. "Hey, there..." He trails off, probably not knowing my name. I try not to frown. "Skylar." I say. He nods. "Nice to meet you." He says grinning. "Ditto." I say, forcing on a smile. The guy turns to Brooklyn. "She's actually really pretty. I don't know why you said she was ugly." He says as if I'm not there.

"Still here." I grumble.

Brooklyn nods. "Just wait until you see her wake up in the morning." She snickers. I roll my eyes and slump back in my seat. The guy starts the engine and we start to pull up in the driveway. "So...what type of music you like?" The guys asks me. Brooklyn rolls her eyes and groans. "Not this question." She says.

I perk up. "Well, I listen to Mozart but mostly Soon Hee Newbold. I love her music. But Mozart is still pretty awesome. I studied Beethoven and it's amazing what he can do when he was deaf. And Lindsay Sterling is real cool. But so is The Piano Guys—"

"Woah, hold your horses." The guy says. "You like classical music?" I nod."Yeah, I want to major in it." The guy nods. "Cool, could you play for me when we get home?" He asks. I feel my eyes light up.

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