27. Jade

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I pause at the doorway, seeing three pairs of eyes stare at me. I walk into my apartment and remind myself to lock my door. How did they come in? I ask myself.

Dakota is the first one to react. She springs up from the couch and crushes me into an unexpected hug. I try not to flinch away from her. I awkwardly hug her back.

When we break apart Josh rushes to me, cradling my head in his hands. "I was so worried. You shouldn't have stayed back there last night. You could have been killed." He says, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Before I can that I'm totally fine, Josh slams his lips on mine. I gasp a little at the sudden action. In the corner of my eyes I see Liam look away from us. I push Josh back. "I'm fine." I say, trying not to notice the hurt look on Josh's face. "What happened out there?" Dakota asks.

"I... don't really remember. Everything's a bit fuzzy. But Brock was there to help me." I answer, trying to reach out in my memory. Josh lifts an eyebrow. "Brock? Who is he?" He asks. I look at my boyfriend. "Big, tall guy. Green skin...?" I ask, trying to describe him. Josh shakes his head.

A buzzing sound comes from Josh's pocket. He takes out his phone and holds it to his ear. "Hello?" He calls out. All I hear is a muffled voice coming from the other line. Josh grins. A savage grin. "Yeah, I had definitely had fun. Yeah... hold up a sec." He says. Josh looks at all of us.

"Sorry guys, I have to take this. Bye, Skylar. Love ya." He says as he walks out of my apartment. Dakota sits back down in the couch. "Something's off with Josh. Are you sure you're suppose to be dating him?" She asks, quircking a brow. I shrug.

"I... don't even know." I answer, walking to my room. I hear someone turns on the tv and I flop on my bed. Josh does seem acting weird lately. He seems... different. I do sort of trust him but if I ask him something he might regret it.

The door opens and Liam steps into my bedroom. I don't meet his gaze. He shoves his hands in his pockets and stands in front of me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, his tone gentle. I nod without looking at him. "Yeah. Everything is fine. I just missed school that's it." I say, laying my wings behind me. Liam sits next to me. "What did you do today?" He asks. I look up at him.

"Well, I took flying lessons. It was great. I know how to kinda control my wings now." I say. Liam nods. "That's good. Who taught you?" He asks. I think for a moment. "Nico." I answer. Liam chuckles. "Ah, Nico. I've met him once or twice. Funny man. Real dramatic." He says. I nod.

"Yeah, you should have seen him while he explained things to me. He would yell at every word. He exaggerates a lot too." I say with a hint of laughter behind my voice. Liam rolls his eyes as he recalls a memory.

"Yeah, he would get offended for everything. One day, I said, 'I want to eat a chicken salad' and he got all worked up about it. He's a vegetarian, but still." Liam says.

I chuckle. "Really? Wow, he's worst than I thought." I laugh. Liam nods. "Exactly."

After a couple of moments of silence. I bring up a question. "What did you do once you went back into the institute?" I ask. Liam leans back on his arms, staring at the ceiling. "Uh, well I was really worried about you. I could barely think but, uh, I hung out with Eleanor." He answers. I try not to flinch at the sound of her name. Instead I smile.

"Ooo, how did things go with her?" I ask. Liam shrugs. "Well, I think... I think she wants me back." He replies. Another punch in the stomach. "Oh, really? Do you want to get back with her?" I ask, looking at Liam. He looks down from the ceiling and meets my eyes.

"Um..." He trails off for a second, looking at me. "Yes."

I clear my throat and distance myself away from him. I force on a smile. "Then what are you waiting for? Go." I say, through a false grin. Liam shrugs. "I'm not sure yet, though." He says. I try not to roll my eyes. He's worse than me. He just said yes a minute ago and now he's not sure.

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