9. Thoughts

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As we enter our room I look around. "How do you know your way around?" I ask Liam. He shrugs. "You grow use to it. I've been here for four years." He says. I'm surprised. "Really? And all this time you've been looking for me?" I ask.

Liam laughs. "Yeah. Everyone all around me got their partners except for me. I kept looking. Last year I found out what was your name and how you looked like." He says. I sit on the bed. Liam has been looking... for me.

"So you've been stalking me?" I chuckle. Liam stiffens. "No. Well not really but technically yeah." He stutters. I laugh. "I'm just messing around." I say.

Liam looks relieved. "Oh," he says, the color returning to his face. I slip off my shoes and slide them under the bed. My socks stick to me with sweat. They probably reek right now.

Liam kicks off his shoes and takes off his red sweater. Now he's wearing a nice green tee that shows his biceps, making mouth water.

Liam is muscular, unlike Josh. They're both hot. I look around. "Where's some clothes?" I ask. Liam jerks his chin towards the cabinets. "How do the cleaning services know that there's a girl?" I ask. Liam shakes his head.

"They don't. They leaves clothes for a girl and a guy just in case." He answers.

I nod as I walk to the cabinets and open them. I frown. They don't have bras, but they have underwear. I grab an underwear and a beige tank top. I look around for some jeans and find gray leggings. I find some neon sock as well.

"Are you going to take a shower?" Liam asks. I don't want to but I reek of puke. I'm surprised Liam hasn't said anything about the smell.

"Yeah, I stink of puke. Sorry about your sweater again." I say as I slip into the bathroom. I strip off and climb into the shower. Hot water gusts out, burning me alive. I quickly change the water to cold. I like cold water, not hot.

I scrub myself everywhere until I see red. I hear the sink turn on. I slam against the tile wall.

What is Liam doing here? Dang it I forgot to lock the door. "Privacy?" I yell over the water. The sink turns off. "It's not like I'm looking at you. Just washing my hands." He laughs. I huff and apply shampoo in my hair.

I keep my eyes on the curtain, looking for any signs of danger. Eventually the door opens then closes and Liam is out. I sigh in relief.

I step out of the shower right after I rinse myself and dry off. I quickly put on my clothes and look in the mirror. Yikes. A black eye is already forming on my right eye and my temple already has a bruise.

My lips are busted and swollen a little. I run my fingers through my hair, untangling it.

I walk out of the bathroom, feeling clean and renewed. Liam stares at me. "What?" I ask, alarmed. Liam shakes his head. "N-nothing." He stutters as he stumbles into the bathroom.

What's his deal? I lay on the bed, relaxing. I really wish I had my violin right now. I find Liam's phone on the counter.

I unlock it and search up classical music. By the Piano Guys. It's pretty dumb that Liam doesn't have a password on his phone. Music fills the air.

I close my eyes and get the lost in the music. I imagine playing the violin, matching pitch with the Piano Guys. I feel my head move with the smooth beat.

The song is Titanium. But in a cello and piano version. I hum along. Music notes appear inside of my head. Dancing around the scales and measures. I don't know how much time slips by but I keep my eyes closed.

A different song comes on, making the notes in my mind shift and dance around more roughly.

Now I recognize the song, Home. Originally by Phillip Phillips. I hum louder, inspiration hitting me like a brick. The cello sound is beautiful. I smile at myself, knowing one day I'll be teaching kids how to make beautiful music. Or how to play.

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