20. Official

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                 Josh slips his hand into mine as we walk to the Gym. I try not to drop my hand from his. What happened? I think to myself. I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend. I'm not ready to have one. I want to kick myself really badly.

     Just because of Liam's comments I accepted Josh's request to be his girlfriend. I'm not comfortable with going out with someone that I just met. I haven't even gone on a date with him. "You okay?" Josh asks, peering down at me. I nod, running a hand through my now loose hair.

      "Yeah." I say, trying to breathe. I don't want Dakota to know. Or anyone, for sakes matter. We walk out of the Big House, meeting Dakota in front of the Gym building. She texted me right after me and Josh actually started talking. She said she wanted to talk with everyone. I hope she doesn't mean Liam.

          Right before we walk in front of the Gym, I pretend to scratch my head, and drop Josh's hand. Dakota lays on the tree I was earlier today with Gabe. She grins as she sees us. "Hey, guys. I was just admiring the beautiful tree, wondering who made this masterpiece." She says, winking at me.

   Josh looks at me. I avoid his stare. "Hey, Dakota." I say. Dakota wears black leggings with bright red Converse. Along with a Back Off  v-neck shirt. Her shoulder length wavy hair is up in a messy bun. I'm about to walk over to hug her when Liam steps into view.

I stop in my tracks. Rejection washes over me all over again. His amazing blue eyes look into mine. I can't figure out his expression.

    Mad, concerned, or even peaceful. His eyes flicker to Josh, who plants a hand on my waist. I cringe, mentally regretting everything. Dakota opens he mouth to talk but her eyes see Josh's hand. She smirks and looks at me. I want to slap her so badly. This was a mistake. I can't do this. No more Josh or Liam.

        Everybody is just so...

      "I can't do this." I murmur and rip away from Josh's grasp. I walk away from the tree, tears threatening to spill. Get it together! You don't see anyone else crying over you! I scold at myself. I rush over to the secret pathway, leading to the beach. I hear a buzzing sound at my waist. I lift my shirt and grab my phone from my waistband.

          I have three missed calls and two texts. I put my phone on silent and shove it on my waistband again. I hear shouts behind me, making me break into a run. My feet make clanking sounds against my metal surroundings. Light washes over me. The tunnel is made out of metal, illuminating the whole place.

  The tunnel is not that long, but long enough to make me slow down and try to catch my breath. I reach the end of the tunnel, a boulder-looking wall blocking me from the beach. Knowing the beach is on the other side, I search my mind frantically for the password. Dakota told me yesterday on the tour. Dang it.

       My grandparents are suppose to come later today to fill out the paper forms. I hear the footsteps coming closer until they stop. "Dang it." I mutter as I kick the stupid rock wall. "Sky."

                I spin around. Liam. I grind my teeth. "Go away. Stay away." I snarl, my back pressing against the wall. Liam tries to put a hand on my shoulder but I move away. "I'm warning you." I hiss. Liam's face burns bright red.

"Why are you acting this? What's your problem?" He shouts. I force myself not to shrink away. But I gotta admit, Liam angry is pretty scary.

       "Don't you ask to me about what's wrong with me!" I yell right back, tears welling in my eyes. Liam stops himself when he sees my tears. "Sky..."

   "Just leave me alone." I whisper, brushing away a tear rolling down my cheek. I push away Liam and walk away from him. I feel a hand on my wrist.

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