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We walk into a enormous building at 7:20am. Granny told me I should look professional so I'm wearing one inch black heels with a mid thigh pencil skirt along with a white laced collared tank top. Granny wear a purple skirt with fancy beige shirt.

The marble floor makes my heels click into the silent air. This is the most fanciest buildings I have ever seen.

          Business men and women have come in and out of the building. Rich people. Granny walks up to the shiny ebony counter with serveral people behind it. Some have monitored computers with glasses or fancy jewelry. I trail behind Granny, gripping my small leather handbag until my knuckles turn white.

         I look around and find out that we are the only ones in the lobby. A couple of security guards stand in front of a door. I look at each of them, until my eyes stop at the youngest one. Crap. I think. He is straight out hot.

I have to keep myself from drooling. He has a nice sharp jawline, like someone just chiseled it. His chestnut hair is nice and cropped like Zayn Malik from One Direction, before Zayn started growing a weird little beard.

His eyes are hidden behind shades that make him look even hotter. He wears a black suit with a blue tie. His lips...are full but not too full. Just right. His hands are behind his back and his face is neutral, like the other guards.

He doesn't look a day over nineteen or twenty. Even with his fancy suit he looks like he has muscles. He is more attractive than any of Brooklyn's boyfriends.


       "Huh?" I sluggishly say. Granny is staring at me with concern. "You alright, dear?" She asks. I nod too quickly. "Y-yeah." I stutter, still shocked from the hot guard. Granny quirks an eyebrow but nods. "Okay, she gave directions to the court. Let's go." Granny says.

I gasp as I remember I haven't brushed my hair since yesterday. "Um, lemme use the bathroom." I say. Granny purses her lips but nods. I ask a lady for the bathroom and speedwalk to it as soon as she gives me directions.

  I pass the good-looking security guard on my way to the bathroom. He probably doesn't even look at me but I try my hardest not to blush.

As I get in the bathroom I gasp in amazement. These bathrooms are nothing like my school's bathrooms. Each stall door is made with wood and the handles are golden.

         The sinks are a pinkish marble color. And I've never seen such clean mirrors. I look at myself and everything is in place except my hair. It's a mess of short curls. I untangle it and make it into a short French braid.

My phone chimes and I grab it to see who it is. Sorry darling, I had to go. Ask the lady on the counter for directions to the court room. You will be late. Granny says in a text.

"Crud." I mutter as I start speed walking into the hallway that leads into the main lobby. Just as I pass the hot guard someone grips my arm back. I get yanked backwards and into the hallway of the restrooms. "What the—"

I struggle to see who it is. The security guard.

        I try to pry myself away from him but his grip is like iron. "Let go of me, man!" I say, fighting against him. I look up but surprisingly there are no cameras in this hallway. The guard finally let's me go I start to run but he steps in my way.

He takes off his glasses and puts them into his suit's pocket. I can barely stand when I see his face. I'm glad he dragged me out here.

       His electric blue eyes shine with humility. His eyes  complete his whole body. I don't care if he grabbed me, this is worth it. He crosses his arms and looks at me.

A wave of belonging runs through my body. Like this string is attached to us, not only because he's hot but something else. Fire runs through my veins and I can feel energy hum off of me. I look at him with confusion.


That snaps my attention. "How do you know my name?" I say, stepping back. His mouth twitches into a frown. "Because we're connected." He says. I start to go even more backwards. "Okay dude, if you left your pills at home then—"

         "I was sent to get you. And you'll go into our safe haven." He says. My heart starts to thump against my rib cage. Is he a murder? Or just a rapist? Please no.

"Leave me alone. Or I'll call the cops." I say, my voice trembling. I don't want to do this. I grab my phone and turn it on. "Please don't. You don't understand, if you don't come with me, they'll kill you." The guard says. I glare at him. "Who wants me dead?" I ask.

The guard shrugs. "I'll explain if you come with me." I'm about to dial 911 when me phone rings. I look who it is and it's Brooklyn. Well, I gotta answer this. "Hello?" I say. "Skylar! Thank goodness!" That's not Brooklyn. That's Jake.

  We left them both in at home together. "Brooklyn is missing! Do you have an if idea where she is?" Jake asks frantically. My stomach churns. "No. I though she was with you!" I exclaim. I can hear Jake sighing. "I'll be right there." I say sternly.

I shoot a glare at the security guard and try to walk past him. But blocks my way. "Argh!" I growl as I wack him in the head. He freezes in shock. Before he can recover I run into the lobby and people are looking at me like I'm crazy but I can care less.

         I fish extra keys from my bag and unlock the door. Granny always gave me a spare key of the car. I jump inside and turn on the engine. I strap my seatbelt hastily and whip out my phone.

So sorry Granny, Brooklyn is missing and I'm going to help Jake find her. I'll call if anything happens. I text Granny while I'm driving. I know, it's a hazard texting and driving but this is an emergency. A car honks at me and I swerve to the right, back on my lane.

                     I look around, nope no cops. I press the ignition to the floor and blast farther away. I dodge cars and try to stop when the traffic lights are on yellow. I park outside the garage and run out. Before I can get the keys to the doors lock the door opens. I push Jake in and slam the door behind me. "What happened?" I ask without saying hello.

     Jake eyes dart everywhere nervously. "After we went to bed she said she was going to go buy pads." He says. I freeze for a moment. Did Jake just say pads in front of me? But I shake it off. "You slept with her?" I ask.

Jake shakes his head. "No, we just went to sleep. The when I woke up she wasn't there and she left her phone." Jake says. My heart beats faster. Brooklyn never leaves her phone.

          I nod, waiting for an idea to pop into my head. "Did she mention what drugstore she was going to?" I question Jake. He shakes his head sadly. I purse my lips. "We're going to call the cops... has it been more than twenty four hours?" I say. Jake shrugs. "I think." He replies numbly.

I slam my bag down on the counter, frustrated. Of course it hasn't been twenty-four hours. The cops will think this is crazy. And maybe who knows, maybe Brooklyn is drunk somewhere else. Jake jumps from the sound.

"Crap. We will have to wait, they won't take us seriously." I say. Jake sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "It's all my fault. If I could have gone—"

"Shut up, Jake. We both know it's not your fault. Nobody would like to go pad shopping." I say. Jake looks at me, suddenly looking scared. "What if it is something serious?" He asks. I shake my head, determined nothing has happened to Brooklyn. "She can handle herself." I say.

        An idea pops into my head. "Hey! We have a security camera in our garage! Maybe she was there!" I exclaim. Jake's face brightens a little. "Yes! Of course!" He says. We both run downstairs to footage.

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