16. Warning

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My heart thumps against my rib cage. I force myself to open my eyes slowly. We landed right outside of the two major buildings, on the clean cut grass that is surprisingly straight.

My eyes look around. Liam's legs are still wrapped around mine and my arms around his waist. His parachute is still attached to him but from behind. His eyes are still closed. "Liam! Open your eyes! We're still alive! We made it!" I squeal, disconnecting my arms from him.

His eyelids slowly open and he grins. His legs fall from mine and I sit up on my elbows. Liam rips off his helmet and whoops aloud. Dakota is right beside me, brushing grass off her suit. Josh is laying on the ground beside us, grinning like a dummy.

Liam sits up and grins, a crazy look in his eyes. I sit up as when and tackle him into a bear hug. Liam laughs in surprise as I fall on him. "I'm alive! We're alive! You saved my life!" I say. Liam laughs as his arms wrap around my waist. "I can't hear you!" He shouts.

My hands are on his shoulders and I am probably squishing him since he's under me. But Liam isn't complaining so I don't bother moving. His hands move from my waist to the sides of my helmet. He yanks it off and throws it over his head, hitting Josh square in the stomach.

Josh howls in pain and we both laugh. His hands go back to my waist, like they belong there. "I said before, that we made it out alive! You saved my life!" I say loudly. Liam grins as he flinches at my loudness.

Liam shrugs. "We're partners, remember? We go through this together." Liam answers. I grin at his reply. He's right, we both we have each other's back no matter what. Whether I like it or not, we're partners and that's how it's gonna be.

Liam looks into my eyes and make myself look away. Dakota throws her helmet off her head and her dyed red hair flies everywhere. "Well, if you two lovebirds are done doin' goo-goo eyes at each other, I would like to go inside." Dakota says.

I feel my cheeks flame and I roll off of Liam. I climb to my feet and help him up. Josh stands, with a deadly look on his eyes. Liam ignores him and so do I. If I'm actually going to date Josh, he's going to have to get use to the idea of me being with Liam.

Dakota motions us to the entrance doors. "There's a box to the left to drop off your suits and helmets." She says. We all walk to the entrance doors and walk into the building. Cool air blasts against my hair, ruffeling it up.

To my left is a office with clear doors. And to my right is a yellow wall with a huge box. I look around for my helmet and it's outside with Liam's. I walk outside again and grab the two helmets and throw them into the box once I'm inside.

I strip off of my suit. Thankfully I already have clothes underneath. I tie my hair in a short ponytail. Dakota walks in front of the group, smiling and clamping her hands together. "Hello, I'm Dakota, and I'll be your tour guide for today. Any questions or concerns?" Dakota says cheerfully then it quickly changes to sarcasm.

I stuff the suit in the box and turn to her. Josh and Liam are already ready to go. I shake my head no and Dakota nods. She starts to walk forward and we all trail behind her. Liam walks by my side with Josh ahead of me. As we keep walking, Dakota starts to talk.

"This building, is called the gym!" She says, not looking back, "Basically this building is where you will meditate, train, work out, and possibly even hangout." I give Liam a sideways glance. Dakota pauses and looks over her shoulder, to see if we're still listening.

"The other building that is connected to this one is call the Big House. Where everyone has their homey homes. Unless you want your own apartment in the beach, then you stay here. Plus there's a secret pathway to the beach but that's for later." Dakota says.

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