11. Lost

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"Where are we going?" I whisper as we run through the hallways. I don't know why I'm whispering but it seems appropriate in this situation.

Josh shh's me and we break into sprinting. I don't even notice when Josh has dropped my hand. We enter a room. It's dark. But Josh turns on the light and I gasp. The room is beautiful. The blue walls shine the reflection the a huge tank of water with fish inside. The tank is illuminated by different sets of colors, changing every two minutes.

Next to the tank (which touches the ceiling) is an antique couch that is super long. The turquoise color goes with the wall color. In front of the couch is a enormous flat tv. And across the tank is a little bar table with drinks and wine. Nobody appears to be here. "Wow." I say, the air returning to my lungs.

Josh grabs my hand and leads me to the couch. "What movie do you want to see?" He asks me. I think for a moment. "Taken three. I haven't seen that one." I say, glancing at my hand in his. Josh gasps. "You haven't see that movie yet?" He asks. I shake my head. "Poor you. Taken three coming your way." He says as he looks for the remote.

He finds it under a pillow and turns on the tv. "Hello." The tv says. I jump in surprise. "That is voice activated?" Josh smiles and nods. "I'm Josh. I want to see the movie taken three." He says nice and clear. The tv changes into Josh's account and scrolls throughout some movies until it finds Taken three.

The movie suddenly begins. I absolutely love all the Taken movies! They are so intense and good. My heart thrums with excitement. Liam Neeson is one of the best actors that have that poker face. I wish I could have a poker face.

Josh scoots in closer to me, making me blush. Poker face, I think to myself. His leg is against mine as well as his shoulder. Our hands remain entwined together. I readjust myself into sitting cross-legged, now mostly my knee touches his leg.

I force my focus onto the screen. It all starts out with the father, (Liam Neeson) is looking for a present for his daughter Kimmy. I don't really know her real life name.

He finds her a teddy bear. Wait no. A panda. I feel my eyes droop a little. I don't even know what time I woke up. There are no clocks in this building. You have to see this movie! I scold at myself. I feel my head flop on Josh's shoulder and my eyes close slowly.

Turns out I took a nap.

I wake up, startled by the sound of gunshots. Josh she's me. "It's okay. It's just the movie." He soothes. I bite my lip in embarrassment. Oops I slept through half of the movie. But at least this is the juicy part.

Josh pauses the movie and quickly explains what is happening and the whole story behind it. Turns out, the main character, Ryan (Liam Neeson) is just going to meet with his ex-wife but finds her dead on her bed.

He finds a knife and picks it up, examining it. But then the police come and thinks it's him who killed her. But he's like no. They don't believe him and tell him to surrender. He karate chop the cops and starts running for his life.

Now he is wanted all over the news for killing his ex-wife. Kimmy, the daughter, was like omg. But Ryan calls her and tells her to believe him that he didn't do it. And she's like yes daddy.

And they work together to escape the cops. And right now we are at the part where the cops are chasing him and he's driving a car and dodging them with gunshots. Josh asks if I understand. I nod and he plays the movie.

I gasp when one of the police's cars explode. Josh grins at my shock and we watch the rest of the movie in silence.


My mouth is dangling open when the movie ends. "Wow." I croak. Josh laughs. "That's the reaction I had when I first saw the movie." He says. I take a deep breath. Turns out the new husband of Lenny (the ex-wife of Ryan) had killed her for her money.

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