5. Activated

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I jerk away from Liam, I regret it immediately. Ow. Everything hurts. My heart beat drums against my temple. What happened? I don't remember a thing. But now that I notice I'm shirtless and I was sleeping on Liam's chest worries me. My nose is stuffy and-

I gasp. Why do I see bandages on my right hip and on my left lower thumb? I stand up but my legs feel like jello and I plop myself on the bed again. Where is the bathroom? The room's wall is a nice baby blue and has a window with streaking daylight. It has a huge wooden wardrobe to the far left corner, near the door.

Another door is right in front of me, probably the bathroom. And next to the bathroom is wooden cabinets. I feel like I have been beaten up. My whole body hurts along with my head, I'm starving, and I don't remember a single thing that happened after I ate yesterday.

I take a deep breath and stand up. "Oww." I mumble to myself, trying not to wake Liam up. He cannot see me like this. I walk slowly to the bathroom, opening the door and closing it behind me. "Ulgh." I say when I see myself in the mirror.

My hair is even worst than last time I saw it. All greasy and frizzy. My eyes look bloodshot and I have bags under them. My—

What. The. Crap.

How did a nose ring get in my nostril? I frantically examine it closer in the mirror. It's purple! And it's a hoop nose ring... not bad. Oh my goodness! I've ruined my life. I'm suddenly very scared to see what is under these bandages.

Please don't let it be anything stupid. I peek under them. Hawaiian flowers on my hip and... I think that's a tribal tattoo on my lower right thumb.

My skin is red and swollen from the tattoo but I can still make out the shape. Granny is going to kill me. Granny! It's morning and I don't know where I am. I take a shower and brush my hair, teeth, and face.

I wrap myself in a towel and creep out of the bathroom. Who knew these rooms come with tooth brushes, shampoos, soaps, and brushes. So nice.


"Geez." I say as I jump in surprise. Liam looks no worse than I do. He has bags under his eyes and his hair is disheveled. He has sleep marks all over his face. But his eyes look awake and alert. I hug the towel around me tighter.

"Stop doing that. You creep me out." I say. Liam ignores me and nods to my thumb tattoo. "When did you get that?" He asks. I shake my head. "I dunno. I woke up like this." I say, angry at myself for getting drunk.

Liam stares at my nose ring. "I know. I know. I don't—"

"No, it actually makes you look tougher." He says. I frown. "What's that suppose to mean?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I'm going to give you your little lady time so I'll be in the shower." He tells me.

"Whatever." I mutter as I plop my clothes on the floor. Liam walks over to the cabinet and opens it. He grabs some clothes and throws it at me. "Hey!" As I catch it I feel my face redden. He gave me a bra, undies, a shirt, pants, and socks.

The pants are black leather and the shirt is a gray v-neck. "Your welcome." Liam laughs as he takes off his shirt.

Did he really need to do that? To show off? But he is indeed gorgeous. His slender but muscular back looks like it has been neatly sculpted. And his hips... The dimples on his torso makes my knees wobbly. Such a perfectly made body.

I frown. I'm checking him out. I shouldn't be. I tear my eyes off of him. I pick up the clothes he threw at me and walk over to the bed.

Don't look at him. Don't look at him. I set my clothes down and say, "Are you done yet?" Liam turns to face me and I don't even blink. Nice work, Skylar. I cheer myself. Liam's face flickers to something I can't figure out. "Yeah." He turns and walks into the bathroom. I stare at his back the whole time he leaves.

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