24. Shirts

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Dakota holds up a pair of scissors, making me gasp. She crosses her arms. "Sky, it's the only way." She says. After she helped me put the plastic bags on my bandages and after I took a shower, she came in with my clothes. She brought in some plain white shirt with some jeans, along with sneakers and socks.

I have a towel wrapped around me, keeping her from seeing my undergarments. I don't really mind if she sees them because we're both girls. She was suggesting to cut my shirt, because of my wings.

I don't want to but what other way can I wear a shirt? I finally cave in and nod. "Fine. But just cut the back of the shirt with like slots. Because I don't want everyone seeing my whole-"

"Shh. Sky, I got this. I use to take sewing classes, where we had to make our own clothes. So never underestimate Dakota." She says, from behind. I feel a hand touch my wing, moving it around. "What are you doing?" I ask. Dakota sighs. "I'm measuring your wing size. Don't worry, sheesh." She answers.

I nod and stay still. An old lady walks in, dripping wet from probably the pool. Her flip flops slosh around as she makes her way to the showers. She does even give us a second look. "Why are old people here?" I ask Dakota as I hear her snipping my shirt. Dakota laughs.

       "Mutants eventually grow old. It's not like we can stay forever young. Plus, there's the teachers from the school." Dakota replies. I nod again. That makes sense.

Dakota walks in front of me. "Okay, I'm done. But first, remove that towel." She says. I try not think of the how any times I've heard that on tv. I nod and take it off. Dakota nods. "I like your bra." She says.

I roll my eyes but smile. "Thanks." I reply. Dakota grabs my towel and places it on the bench beside us. She takes a deep breath and nods.

"Okay, this is going to be hard. Now, first I'm going to but the shirt on by slipping the wings first through the beautiful slots I've made. Then, I'm going to bring it over your head and you place your arms through the sleeves. Got it?" She asks.

      I nod. Dakota walks behind me. "I need you to lift your wings up straight." She calls out. I grit my teeth and try the best I can. I just got my wings, it's harder than it seems.

They're heavy. I try to straighten them out. I hear Dakota chuckle. "That's it." She says. I feel a fabric slide up my wings, making me itchy. The fabric keeps going until it hits my upper back. "Alright. Now head." She announces.

       I arch my neck back, making it easier for Dakota. She slams the shirt down my neck. From here I do the rest myself. I gently slide my arms through the sleeves and the white shirt comes tumbling down my stomach.

I sigh. "Thank you so much, Dakota." I say. Dakota smiles and winks. "Anything for Sky." She answers. She hands me the pants and I slide in them, wincing at the soft pain growing in my legs. When I finish dressing, we walk out of the pool and head to the apartments.

      Dakota hands me my key and my bag. My wings drag behind me. They leave a small trail of water, since they are obviously still wet. My hair hangs weightlessly on my head, still wet and short.

When we both get to my apartment I sigh as I walk in. "Welcome to my humble home." I say as Dakota steps in. She closes the door behind her and flops on my couch. "Do you mind?" She asks, pointing to the tv. I nod as I head to my room. My wings jam in the small hallway, making me grit my teeth. I tuck them in and then walk in.

I plop on my bed, my body screaming for sleep. But I glance at my bag. I should do laundry. I stand up and search for my washer machine. The three days I've been here I haven't really spent much time in my apartment.

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