17. Girlfriend

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After going to all the buildings on campus, Liam shows me my room. And I mean all the buildings. The shopping center, the food court, the secret pathway to the beach with actual normal people. Finally we sign in, we head to my room. I'm assigned to apartment number 184. Which is on the third floor. There's eight floors for apartments.

There's staircases and elevators, so if you're feeling healthy, you can go up the stairs. In this case me nor Liam is healthy so we both take the elevator. Liam turns to me, dropping a brass colored key in my hand. "That's your new key! If you loose it or forget it go to back to the front desk and ask for their extra one." Liam says.

I nod as I grip the key. Wow. Me. Skylar Madison, getting her own apartment. And going to school here. A thought forms in my mind. Liam said before that as long as we stay in the institute we stay in our own apartment. So if I'm staying... where's my things...? I haven't thought of that since I went skydiving.

Where did I put them? I think frantically. "Um, Liam, where's my stuff?" I ask. Liam looks at me. "Oh, we left them back at the flying station. We have a travel system." Liam says. I motion for him to keep talking. "Well, you leave your bags or whatever in the flying station and then after you skydive they grab your stuff and drop it off here." He says.

I shrug. Okay. Wait! What?! "What do you mean they drop it off here?! I had my violin!" I panick. Liam waves his hand at my question like it's nothing. "Don't worry. They don't drop it off from the plane. We have a delivery truck. Your stuff is probably already waiting for you in your room." He says.

I sigh in relief. "Okay, good." I breathe. The elevator stops and dings. The metal doors open and me and Liam step out. To my left is two clear-glassed doors leading into a balcony. Surprisingly the balcony is pretty big. Like a deck. I can see the silver moon from here.

Two chairs sit next to each other in front of the railing. To my right is another balcony, identical to the left one. In front, is a long hallway with doors lined up next to each other. Liam starts to walk and I follow. "What do the remaining four floors work for?" I ask. There's twelve floors all together but the remaining top four floors are empty.

Liam glances at me. "Uh, for parties, graduations, funerals, and etc." Liam answers. Wow. Nukka has this all figured out. We stop in front of my new door. Liam nods at my hand. I slip the key into the lock and turn it. I satisfying click sounds, and the bright yellow door opens.

I gap at my apartment. The walls are a mint green with some picture frames decorating it. To my left is a small corridor that is the kitchen. A mini fridge with a counter that has a microwave, toaster, and fruit basket. A small sink with a dishwasher stand in front of the fridge. Cup boards and cabinets line up over and under the counter.

Liam nudges me from behind and I stumble into the living room. True to Liam's words, my two bags with my violin are plopped on the cute soft-looking couch. A small dining table is right behind the beige couch. A flat screen tv is propped up on the wall before the couch.

A coffee table is in between the couch and the tv, which is stacked with magazines and with a candle. Right next to the tv, a corridor takes form. I walk over to the bedroom. My mouth dangles open.

My bedroom walls changes into a pastel yellow color. The bed is in right next to the window with white drapes, which is placed in the right corner of the room. A night table with a mini radio is beneath the large window. The bed must be a king size because I've never had a bed so big.

The covers match the walls color and I hope they're clean. On the other side of the bed is a large wooden wardrobe. I walk to the black desk with a fancy chair in front of it.

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