18. Nukka

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Some birds chirping wake me. I sit up groggily. Everything that happened last night comes rushing back. I push it away. Liam is not going to get in my way. He's not going to ruin my day.

It's not like he's my boyfriend. I stand up and stretch. "Shoot." I mutter to myself. I slept in last night's clothes. And shoes. I don't want to get my bed dirty. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower feeling exposed from the clear glass, even though there's nobody here.

After, I get dressed. A baggy t-shirt with sport shorts and sneakers. I tie my hair into a wet messy bun. I cook myself a microwave breakfast and clean up the dishes. I grab my phone and stuff it under the waistband of my shorts.

I quickly fish out my key chain with my old house keys. I throw them out and put my new one there. I sling it over my head and walk out of my apartment. Liam steps out of his apartment, which is right informant of mine.

I mentally groan. Fantastic. I don't look at him or at what he's wearing. I don't care anymore. Since I'm a friendless person. I have no friends.

Liam rushes up to me. "Hey! Sky, I was-"

I walk right past him and down the stairs. I glance at my watch. 7:30am. Plenty of time to go with Jade. I hear shouts from behind me but I keep walking.

I'm about to walk down the stairs but I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whip around and stand face to face with Liam. Wow, he's looking- No. He's the traitor. Not my hottie friend anymore. "You better not touch me again because next time you will end up in the hospital." I snarl with venom filled in my voice.

Liam's eyebrows shoot up. I turn and keep walking down the stairs, not daring to look behind me. You go girl! I cheer myself on. I make my way to the gym, crossing the indoor bridge that connects the two buildings.

I take a deep breath as I stop infront of the wooden doors to the training room. I push open one door and walk inside. Silent greets me as I look around for Jade. I hear a creak. I spin around but there's nobody behind me. I quietly close the door and continue walking.

A jaguar comes into view. Bigger than a normal one. It's head probably comes up to my chest. Geez. "Nice kitty." I smile weakly. My eyes make contact with it. It's jade-green eyes sparkle. Like Jade's did yesterday. "Jade if that's-"

The jaguar growls and runs to me, with speed and grace. I shriek and try to run. But then I stop. Who am I kidding? I can't outrun this thing. Think, think, think. The jaguar leaps at me. My arm shoots above my head and vines erupt from my palm.

The strong vines quickly shoot to the monkey bars in the ceiling and I quickly go upwards. I'm climbing! The jaguar pounces and catches my ankle and down I go. I'm falling! The vines snap and the jaguar jumps on me, pinning me with its big paws on my shoulders.

Each hind leg is at each side of my hips. The jaguar lowers its head to my face. I wince and shut my eyes. "Rule number one, never give up."

My eyes shoot open. Jade's face is right in front of mine. With those same eyes. She climbs off me and stands. I scramble to my feet. "I knew it!" I exclaim, grinning. She turns to me. "Whether you knew it was me or not. You never give up." Jade scolds. "Good morning to you too." I mutter under my breath.

"Heard that." Jade says as she walks over to her water bottle and drinks. "So you can turn into a jaguar?" I drawl. Jade places her bottle on the floor. "Yes, I can. I think it comes from my ancestry." She answers. I nod. That makes more sense. That's why she looks like this. Pretty and lean. The jaguar characteristics are rubbing off of her.

High cheekbones, beautiful eyes, muscular legs and arms, black hair. Well jaguar don't have hair but you know what I mean. "Nice thinking. Quick. But not strategic." She says, pacing informant of me. Her henna is still on her. Today she wears a tight fitting tank top with black leggings this time.

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